Blanchard Community Law Clinic students participate in ACORNS Community Service Fair

Photo of Campbell Law BCLC students posting in front of orange tent

Blanchard Community Law Clinic (BCLC) students and staff participated the ACORNS Community Service Fair in downtown Raleigh organized by the Raleigh Police Department – ACORNS Unit on Aug. 29.   

BCLC students connected with other local organizations that were present to share community resources and services in the following areas: housing, legal, veterans, medical/mental health, hygiene, food and nutrition, veterinary, and more.

Assistant Clinical Professor Laura Clark, who teaches the civil track of the BCLC, said clinic students spoke with Raleigh residents, some of whom were unhoused, about the free legal services the clinic offers to low-income residents in the areas of criminal law and landlord-tenant matters. Additionally, students handed out food, water and other items to residents.    

Clark added this was the third time she and the clinic students have participated in the annual event.

“We appreciate the Raleigh Police Department involving our clinic in this outstanding event which provides individuals direct access to critical resources,” she said. “Our students went above and beyond assisting individuals in need of services and also in forming partnerships with other local organizations who offer resources that can benefit our clinic clients.”

Clinic student Betsy McCorkle said of the event, “The Raleigh Police Department did an amazing job bringing together local aid resources for Raleigh’s residents.  As a Campbell Law student, it was a meaningful experience to be able to share information about the services we offer at the Blanchard Community Law Clinic.”

The BCLC civil and criminal track courses are both offered in the fall and spring semesters. Clinic students work directly with clients on some criminal and civil matters, obtain practical court experience, and also participate in community education and outreach events such as this throughout the semester.



Lisa Snedeker Writer

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