Student Experience Spotlight | Emily Knapp

Experiential learning at Campbell University integrates hands-on, practical experiences with academic coursework to provide students with a well-rounded education.

This approach includes internships, service learning, research projects, and fieldwork, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

By engaging in these activities, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and professional skills that prepare them for their future careers.

Meet Emily Knapp

Major: Nursing

Experience: DIS – Children with Special Needs

Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

How did you find out about this experience?

Through researching online with different specifications such as length of program, type of class, and the location of the study abroad experience. 

How has your time at Campbell prepared you for this experience?

Being a nursing student has already taught me to take things as they come and that’s what study abroad is. Being vulnerable to new experiences and seeing the positive in everything. 

What did you learn from your internship?

I learned how to be more inclusive and see where there is room for further accessibility improvements in public settings. Also, how different every country is and the good in that. 

How did you grow during this experience?

I learned to be able to work under unfamiliar circumstances and to persevere in uncomfortable situations. I believe I left Copenhagen with a different perspective of how diverse yet similar humans can be no matter their demographics. 

If students were to pursue a similar opportunity, what advice would you give them?

I would suggest preparing enough to have background knowledge of where you’re going but be prepared that you’re not going to be fully prepared until you arrive. I would suggest taking full advantage of your relatively short time experiencing this country and do “normal” tasks there to see how different they may be. 

Share your summer experience HERE

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