Orange Owned spotlight: Margaret Baker Photography

Margaret Baker Photography is a Raleigh-based Orange Owned business founded by alumna Margaret Baker, ’15, who started the venture as a natural succession of her hobbies during her time at Campbell.

Baker studied broadcasting and electronic media within the communication studies major. She “picked up” photography by the time she studied at Campbell but was able to “sharpen those skills” on campus.

“I was able to start client work as a student at Campbell taking other friends’ graduation photos,” Baker said. “I worked with Campbell Athletics, first as a photographer, then switching to video production. I think if I had gone to a larger school, I wouldn’t have had the same opportunities to get those hands-on experiences like I did at Campbell. When it came time to graduate and pursue a career, it was so obvious I was destined to do content generation work.”

Photography became so integral to Baker’s life that her friends encouraged her to start charging for her work.

“My friends in college asked me to start photographing them, which snowballed into, ‘Well, I should probably charge something for this’… and here we are a decade later,” Baker said.

She has found that her connection to Campbell University extends beyond the classroom and has influenced her journey as an alum. Encountering other Campbell alumni “out in the wild” is one of her favorite aspects of staying connected to the university.

“It takes a special kind of person to fall in love with The Creek, and as they say, ‘when you know, you know.’ Talking with other people who ‘get it,’ is always such a sweet joy because you do learn how to make your own fun at Campbell,” Baker said.

Baker values her ties to Campbell, which have allowed her to leverage connections with fellow alumni and share her knowledge with the next generation of communication studies students.

“I find the camaraderie aspect of being connected to the institution to be the best part,” said Baker. “I’ve actually come back to Campbell and taught photography courses for the department of which I am a graduate.

“I’ve shot Campbell alum weddings, engagements and graduations. You never know how you’re going to be connected to somebody, but Campbell is often one of those really cool ways.”

Beyond her connections with Campbell, Baker has explored various types of photography to discover her true passion—working with nonprofits and capturing special moments for high school and college seniors.

Margaret Baker Photography services Wake, Harnett, Johnston, Chatham, Durham and Orange Counties.

“I began with the people I knew – friends in college. I shot a lot of graduations. Then I moved into weddings. I LOVE love weddings, just not photographing them,” said Baker. “Sometimes you have to do something for a while to realize you hate it.”

Like many business owners, Baker has faced challenges, including finding her niche, overcoming technical difficulties, and learning to accept help in areas where she needs support.

“I’ve had equipment die, memory cards die, I’ve lost work and photos and that’s the most horrifying thing in the world. Make copies of copies,” Baker said. “Logistically, there’s paperwork and taxes and stuff to just learn. Find folks who can fill in your gaps. I have a great CPA because that’s not my strong suit. Find people who can do the things that you’re not great at and lean into them. Be teachable.”

Despite these challenges, she has learned to overcome them and has identified ways to present her best self.

“Get outside. Touch grass,” she said. “A lot of this work ends up inside the four edges of a computer screen. Take breaks and get outside and go do the thing for the joy of it. I travel as much as I can. I seek beauty as much as I can. I find that spending time with the Lord outside in His creation really rests me and resets me to back to this work inspired and filled up to pour out on people.”

Baker believes discovering passion in life is essential. What began as a “happy accident” turned into a rewarding career.

“Being a business owner is one of the most challenging, rewarding careers you can have. My photography business started as a college side hustle. Now I do content generation and media production full time. I am finishing a PhD. You never know where the journey will take you. But the skills entrepreneurship will teach you, you will never lose,” she said.

Baker’s photography business continues to evolve as she pursues new passions, discovers fresh niches to explore, and strengthens her connections within the Campbell community. Check out Margaret Baker Photography on her website,

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