Five Campbell alumni who know the meaning of volunteerism

Among Campbell Alumni, there’s no shortage of individuals that make service to others part of their routine. In recognition of #VolunteerAppreciationWeek, held April 15-22, the Alumni Association highlighted some of those men and women who serve on its Alumni Board of Directors.
Danielle Daye (’14)
As a Center Trust Advisor for Truist Wealth, Danielle Daye (’14) stays very busy. But she also donates a ton of would-be free time to the Alumni Association, taking a leadership role with the Campbell University Foothills Alumni Network and serving on the Alumni Board of Directors in various capacities including the planning of our Welcome to the City social events – which this year will be held June 8 in Charlotte, Raleigh, Winston-Salem, Wilmington and Richmond.
Pictured is Danielle volunteering at the Campbell University Mustard Seed Community Garden.
“It is important for me to give back to the community that cultivated a lot of who I am today and played such a major role in my successes,” Danielle said. “Giving your time is so valuable because it’s the only resource we can’t get back. I value making myself available to former and future graduates to assist them in finding their place in the world and building a strong community.”

As a 2022 Communication Studies graduate, Andrew Ellis is new on the Campbell University Alumni Board of Directors but has already made an impact on others through his commitment to service and is worthy of recognition during #VolunteerAppreciationWeek.
Drew is a U.S. Marine and proud Campbell alumnus. He’s also known to many around Buies Creek and beyond as DJ JustDrew. Drew loves spreading his love of various musical genres, especially to the younger generations – volunteering as a DJ at the Southeast Raleigh YMCA.
“Music is the one language everyone speaks and for a few hours, I get to connect with people by taking them through a musical journey. That feeling is rewarding and I look to create that every time I step behind my turntables,” he said.
Drew is a dedicated volunteer for the Alumni Association and also participates with Toys for Tots for the Marine Corps.
“You can’t put a price on volunteering and giving time,” he said. “It is one of those things where you are directly impacting someone’s life or environment.”

Morgan Timiney‘s (’15, ’20) volunteer work is tangible and front-and-center. Morgan is the Executive Pastor at Vine Community Church, which likely wouldn’t exist if not for his efforts. Morgan and his peers volunteered their time and resources to lead a strenuous revitalization of the building in Lindon and eventually launched the worship center in September 2021.
#VolunteerAppreciationWeek is the perfect time to recognize the selfless actions of Campbell University Alumni like Morgan, who also serves as Vice President of the Alumni Board of Directors and is an active volunteer with the Campbell University School of Engineering.
“Robert Morrison, one of the founding fathers of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, of which I’m a brother, said, ‘To do what ought to be done, but would not have been done unless I did it, I thought be my duty.’ To me this is a perfect example of what volunteerism means,” Morgan said. “It’s finding a place where there is a need and filling that need – not only filling a need but finding things you’re passionate about and finding opportunities to further those items.
“Campbell has played a huge part in my life. It’s where I met my wife, built friendships that last forever, and was given an incredible education that has placed me in a job that 10-year-old me could have only dreamed of. I love this place and I know that anyone who can experience Campbell will love it too. That’s why I’m so passionate about giving back and why I love volunteering!”

On #VolunteerAppreciationWeek, the Alumni Association was excited to recognize Alumni Board of Directors President Rebecca Brock (’97, ’01). Rebecca is the leader of an organization full of dedicated volunteers and leads by example.
Aside from her numerous responsibilities as president on our board, Rebecca also serves on the Trust Education Foundation Board, which raises scholarship funds for Campbell University Trust Students and promotes internships and permanent job placement.
In her career, Rebecca is Senior Vice President and Fiduciary Director for Truist Wealth. In short, she’s a very busy woman but makes service to others a priority.
“A lot of who we become in life is because of people that made a difference in our life,” Rebecca said. “It is very important to me to give back to help others and to make an impact on someone’s life. Volunteering is one of the easiest and most rewarding things we can do! Campbell University had a huge impact on my success and giving back to help other students is a top priority for me.”

Alumni Board of Directors member Jonathan Lazenby’s (’09, ’14, ’17) resume of service to local communities is extensive. In his career, Jonathan works with people with disabilities, especially services for the blind. And his contributions to those communities go beyond paid work.
Jonathan is a weekly caretaker and mail deliverer for a Campbell University alumna as well as a volunteer and chauffeur for sighted bowling. He serves on several boards and committees beyond our own including the Governor’s NCWorks Awards of Distinction Nominating Board, Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disability, the NC DHHS Vocational Rehabilitation Services Superstar Committee (Chair) and the NC DHHS Division of Services for the Blind – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council. And time permitting, he sings for the Campbell University Choral Society and North Carolina Master Chorale.
“Volunteers make the world a better and more enjoyable place, volunteers are motivated by passion, purpose, mission and calling which money can’t buy or motivate alone,” Jonathan said. “I volunteer my time and effort on people and things that I love and am passionate about. Volunteer work is an exercise of selfless free will to do something that can change the world for the better and that honors a God-given calling.”