Alumni Association Board Member Spotlight: Dr. Erin Bastidas PharmD ’00

Name: Erin Bastidas
Degrees & Graduation Year: PharmD ’00
Current Job Title: Pharmacy Manager
Practice Site: Harris Teeter in Holly Springs
Job Description: Retail Pharmacist
How did CPHS prepare you for your current position?
CPHS provided me with the opportunity to develop my knowledge and clinical skills, as well as several opportunities to develop leadership and management skills.
How did your connections and experiences from CPHS guide you to your current position?
My district manager was Dean Maddox’s neighbor and several pharmacists already working for Harris Teeter knew me through my CPHS connections. They gave very good recommendations.
What titles did you/do you hold on the CPHS Alumni Association Board?
Fundraising Chair, President
How has serving/having served on the board influenced your career?
Serving on the board has provided me with an amazing network of fellow professionals.
What advice would you give to anyone who is curious about getting involved in the Alumni Association or the Board?
Just do it! It is fun, and you will have the opportunity to meet fellow medical professionals, graduates, and students. I have not regretted any of my time on the board, and I have been on the board in one position or another for seven years.