Augusta National Merchandiser visits PGM SA

The PGM Student Association met with Mark Wells, Merchandise Operations Manager at Augusta National Golf Club, on Wednesday, September 21st.
Each month, the PGA Golf Management Student Association (PGM SA) hosts guest speakers from the golf industry to share their career paths and how it could be of value to our PGA Golf Management students.
September’s meeting was highlighted by Mark Wells. Mr. Wells has worked for Augusta, and The Masters tournament specifically, for over 30 years. He came to campus to provide an in-depth look at their Merchandise & Creative Services operation.
“The most impactful piece Mr. Wells shared with our students was the reality that success is achievable. He told us to dream big, push past our comfort zone, and find ways to challenge yourself daily,” Nolan Hesko, Senior PGA Golf Management major, PGM SA President.
“I appreciated Mark’s thorough explanation of the design, production, and delivery stages of their Merchandise and Creative Services operation,” said Gabriella Story, PGM Program Director. “To see that an operation of that size works 14-16 months in advance is mind boggling. He said ‘we work 51 weeks to prepare for 1’.”
It was great for our students to hear from a facility that is unprecedented in its reputation and brand recognition across the globe. Even if they don’t find interest in merchandising, they can take the life and business lessons with them on any internship or job.
Mr. Wells and his staff will be returning to interview some of our students to work at The Masters, this coming year, in their merchandise operation division.