Campbell Law 45th Anniversary Alumni Spotlight: Angelica McIntyre ’13

Nominee: Angelica McIntyre, Class of 2013
In 2018, Judge Angelica McIntyre was elected to the bench as a District Court Judge, making her the youngest female judge in the state at 28 years old. She served as an Assistant District Attorney in Robeson County prior to being elected to serve as a District Court Judge. She is the first Native American female Chief District Court Judge in the State of North Carolina.
Judge McIntyre currently serves as a board member for Southeastern Academy Charter School. She previously served as a member of the University of North Carolina at Pembroke Alumni Board, Robeson County Arts Council and the United Way of Robeson County.
Judge McIntyre earned her undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke and her J.D. from the Campbell University School of Law in 2013.
Q: Tell us about your role as a District Court Judge and the path you took to get there. What is your favorite part about serving as a District Court Judge?
A: Prior to serving as a District Court Judge, I served as an Assistant District Attorney in Robeson County. In that role, I handled cases ranging from misdemeanors to serious felonies, including homicides. As a District Court Judge I deal with cases ranging from setting bonds and presiding over probable cause hearings on high profile first-degree murder cases to dealing with issues more mundane like minor traffic citations. Perhaps the most heart-wrenching and important role as a district court judge is handling Department of Social Services cases with children who are being abused and neglected. My favorite part about serving as a judge is helping people resolve problems in a way in which they can better their lives and better society. Often, that can be helping victims of crime, but that can also mean things like helping steer a young person to a path of productivity with early intervention.
Q: How did Campbell Law prepare you for your career?
A: Campbell Law prepared me to be a trial lawyer, to think on my feet, and to apply the law to the facts of the case at hand. Campbell Law has a well-founded reputation of having their graduates courtroom-ready, and I certainly benefited from that in starting my career in the courtroom as an Assistant District Attorney. Those same skills equipped me with the necessary knowledge to serve in my current position as the Chief District Court Judge. On the wall at the entrance of the law school is a verse from Micah 6:8, “to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.” That particular verse has been, and continues to be, a guiding principle for me throughout my career.
Q: In 2019, you became the youngest District Court Judge in North Carolina at the age of 28. What advice do you have for young lawyers, and women in particular, as they begin their legal careers?
A: My advice to young lawyers is to find your calling in the law. Find something in the law that gives you joy in the substance of what you are doing. That will make work rewarding. Also, be true to yourself and be confident in who you are as a person, both professionally and otherwise. As a woman working in what has been historically been a male-dominated profession, you have the potential to be a trailblazer, as well as an inspiration to others—utilize every opportunity to do so!
Q: Share a memory or experience that has had a lasting impact on your career.
A: While serving as an Assistant District Attorney, I was prosecuting a case involving a young man around the age of seventeen. Part of his plea agreement required him to complete intensive substance use treatment, as well as various other services. The young man was struggling with drug use that led him to become involved in our court system. Around a year after he completed his treatment his mother contacted me regarding her son’s current condition. She shared with me how he was now a student at local university, was employed, and was no longer using any substances. She ended the call by telling me that the services required in his plea deal saved his life, and thanked me for giving him that opportunity. That was one of the first times I was able to witness the profound ability the judicial system has to shape, change, and save lives. Almost ten years later, that same young man is excelling in his career and helping others who are battling substance use disorder.
Q: What does Campbell University’s motto “leading with purpose” mean to you?
A: “Leading with purpose” means serving others. One cannot be a leader without helping and encouraging others, and that should be the goal of all of us, especially in the law, as our profession and calling is built on helping make individuals and society the best they can be.
Want to nominate a Campbell Law Alumna/Alumnus to be featured in a 45th anniversary spotlight?
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