Campbell Law advocates advance to quarterfinals, finals in Moot Court, Client Counseling competitions

Campbell Law School second-year students Mary Catherine Coltrane and Jacob Byrd, and third-year student Jennifer Garcia advanced to the quarterfinals of the Jerome Prince Evidence Moot Court Competition over the weekend of March 26-27. The team was proudly coached by Professor Zachary Bolitho. Before the competition last weekend, the team worked diligently and submitted an appellate brief to the competition. Each round of the competition was scored by including the numerical grade for the brief and the oral argument scores for each respective round.
“After the preliminary rounds, Campbell Law’s team advanced to the Octofinal round and then arose victorious from the octofinals to compete with the Top 8 teams, placing as quarterfinalists,” said Director of Competitive Advocacy Tatiana Terry ’19. “They were prepared and polished, representing Campbell Law as some of the top advocates in the competition. We are so proud of Jenn, Mary Catherine, Jacob and Professor Bolitho!”
During the same weekend, second-year students Adia McLaughlin and Genesis Torres competed in the American Bar Association’s (ABA) National Client Counseling Competition.
McLaughlin and Torres qualified for the National Client Counseling Competition after placing second in the ABA’s Regional Client Counseling Competition in February. At the national competition, McLaughlin and Torres maintained the Campbell Law Client Counseling tradition by besting six teams and advancing to the semifinals as 2L students, a tradition Campbell Law’s Client Counseling Team has maintained for the past four years, Terry said.
“After the semifinal round, McLaughlin and Torres handily defeated their opponents and advanced to the National Finals, where they ultimately placed third in the nation,” Terry explained. “McLaughlin and Torres credit a great deal of their success in the regional and national competitions to the assistance of their second-year teammates Trynity Ojeda, Jonathan Wright and Ashton Makey, as well as to their coaching by Skylar Gallagher ’19 and Zack Anstett ’18. Adia and Genesis, we are so proud of you!
“Please join me in congratulating all of our outstanding student advocates on their success in representing Campbell Law,” Terry added. “We are so proud of you!”