Campbell Law advocates shine at ABA Regional Negotiations Competition

Six Campbell Law School student advocates competed in the 2023 American Bar Association (ABA) Regional Negotiations Competition in San Antonio, Texas, on Oct. 27-28, 2023.
“Our students, Evey Morris, Rachel Jamroz, Jake Blum, Brian Walsh, Brooke Lowry and Nikkia Jacques, spent several weeks preparing for the competition, coached by Evin Grant, ’16, former dean of Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities,” said Mary Ann Matney ’17, director of competitive advocacy for the law school.
The ABA Negotiations Competition simulates legal negotiations in which law students, acting as lawyers, negotiate a series of legal problems. The simulations consist of a common set of facts known by all participants and confidential information known only to the participants representing a particular side. All of the simulations deal with the same general topic, but the negotiation situation varies with each round and level of the competition.
Campbell Law advocates performed remarkably during the 2023 ABA Negotiations Competition, according to Matney. “The negotiation competition is a difficult endeavor as it challenges the students to utilize skills that aren’t often taught or cultivated in a typical law school curriculum, including creative problem solving, collaborating with opposing counsel to find mutually beneficial solutions, on-the-spot decision-making and strategic flexibility,” she added.
“Our returning competitors, third-year students Nikkia Jacques and Brooke Lowery, won all three judges’ ballots in their first preliminary round. First-time competitors and third-year students Brian Walsh and Jake Blum, excelled in winning their first round as well. Our practice team, and alternate competitors, second-year students Rachel Jamroz and Evey Morris, were vital in planning strategies and preparing the teams for competition. Although our teams did not advance to the semi-finals, the progression year after year shows the potential building a negotiation program holds with highlighting a different type of advocacy.”
Grant added, “Year over year, we see the growth of our negotiation teams, particularly in returning students who had the opportunity to compete in multiple years. I could not be prouder of how our team performed. I am excited about what the competitors will do next year as we take back all we’ve learned to apply in future years.”
Matney continued, “Our students represented Campbell Law School well at the ABA Negotiations Competition. I share Coach Grant’s excitement in the development of our negotiations team. We remain committed to molding practice-ready advocates upon their graduation from Campbell Law.”