Campbell Law advocates compete in 12th annual National Veterans Law Moot Court Competition

Campbell Law School advocates once again participated in the prestigious and highly competitive National Veterans Law Moot Court (NVLMCC) Competition on Nov. 13-15, 2020. Third-year students Kenya Glover and Sarah Izzell represented Campbell Law, and the team was coached by Smith Anderson’s Kirk Warner, who retired from the United States Army in 2013 after 33 years of military service.
“They excelled both in their brief writing and in their appellate arguments, making us all proud of their professional and competent advocacy,” said Professor Tony Ghiotto, director of the law school’s Advocacy Program.
Sponsored by the George Washington University School of Law and now in its 12th year, the competition typically brings teams of students from around the country to Washington, D.C., to argue before panels of distinguished practitioners and judges. This year, however, the advocates competed virtually due to COVID-19.
The NVLMCC was first organized in 2009 as the Veterans Law Appellate Advocacy Competition and is the nation’s premier moot court competition focusing on veterans law. The NVLMCC prides itself on its authenticity of its problems and the quality of its judges. The record on appeal for each competition is highly detailed and the documents included look like the evidence that would be found in a real veterans law case. The judges for the briefs and the oral arguments are drawn from the ranks of experienced veterans law practitioners, which results in very realistic oral arguments. In particular, the final round of each NVLMCC has been judged by a panel of actual judges of the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims in the CAVC’s courtroom. Any profits from this competition are used to support the pro bono work of the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association.
Learn more about the history of the competition at this link.