Campbell Law First-Gen Highlight: Kenya Glover ’21

Editor’s Note: The following student profile highlights one of Campbell Law School’s current first-generation law students as part of its new First-Gen Blueprint Virtual Program, the only one of its kind at a law school. The program is designed to arm first-gen students with the knowledge to successfully prepare for law school admissions and law school in general. To learn more about the program or to register, visit this link:
Kenya Glover ’21 serves as Chief Justice on Honor Court and Campbell Law Review Symposium Editor. She is also president of Women in Law and a member of Campbell Law Moot Court Team. As an advocate, mentor, and servant leader, Glover’s personal mission is to use her position as an aspiring attorney to encourage other minorities to trust the legal process.
Q. Where are you from and where did you study for your undergraduate degree?
A. I am a native of Fayetteville, N.C. and I am a 2017 graduate of Livingstone College where I earned a bachelor’s degree in political science.
Q. Describe any experiences prior to law school that influenced your decision to go to law school.
A. Being a first-generation law student, I honed my passion for being an advocate for those who may not trust the legal system by serving as president of Livingstone’s Student Government Association and by working as a youth counselor for the Upward Bound Program. I hope to develop programs that educate minorities and the younger population in particular about their legal rights.
Q. What types of internships or jobs have you had during law school?
A. I have served as a Membership Editor of Campbell Law Review, a Summer Intern for the Legal Aid of NC and an extern for Everett Gaskins Hancock LLP.
Q. What advice would you give to a first-gen student?
A. “Do not compare yourself to anyone else, there are multiple routes to success. Whenever you believe the road ahead is too difficult, remember everything you have already overcome.”