Campbell Law first-year students place at Kilpatrick Mock Trial Competition

A team of first-year Campbell Law School students finished as runner-ups at the University of North Carolina (UNC) School of Law’s Kilpatrick Townsend 1L Mock Trial Competition this past weekend.
The team, which consisted of Manu Jarvis, Lane Corbett, Beau Marlette and Thomas Lotito, came in second after a well-fought battle against a team from UNC Law, said Director of Competitive Advocacy Mary Ann Matney ‘17.
Twenty-two teams competed in the Kilpatrick Mock Trial Competition this year. Of those teams, 14 were made up of 56 Campbell Law student advocates.
Throughout the competition, many Campell Law advocates received Best Advocate Awards. Four Campbell Law teams competed into the quarterfinals.
The Broun National Trial Team, a student organization at UNC Law, coordinates the annual competition that brings teams from law schools across North Carolina together to practice trial advocacy skills. The competition offers a chance for first-year law students, who are not usually allowed to participate in outside advocacy competitions, to hone their courtroom skills.
“I am incredibly proud of this year’s Kilpatrick participants,” Matney added. “The Class of 2026 was eager to participate and worked hard to represent Campbell Law well. I look forward to witnessing their future accomplishments and fostering their advocacy skills.”