Campbell Law, N.C. State MBA students unite to fight hunger on Nov. 13

Campbell Law School’s National Security and Military Law Student Association (NS-MLSA) and North Carolina State University’s MBA Student Body Association are banding together to fight hunger on Saturday, Nov. 13.
The two groups will host a Rise Against Hunger Meal Packaging Event at Lynwood Brewing Concern (LBC) from noon to 4 p.m. Please RSVP at this link to join the event.
While Campbell Law and NCSU have partnered to offer students the opportunity to pursue dual MBA/JD degrees, this is the first time the two schools have co-hosted an event where students from both organizations can network and build lasting relationships while having a positive impact on our community, said event organizers.
“As Campbell Law and N.C. State continue to breed the next generation of leaders, it only makes sense that there be an event that creates synergy and further cultivates the positive relationship between both institutions,” explained CPT Chapman K. Thomas, JD ’22/MBA ’21 candidate. “As the outreach chair of NS-MLSA and the vice president of N.C. State’s MBA Veterans Club, I realized there was a unique opportunity to combine our resources to offer an incredible service/networking event.”
Both organizations require and allocate funding for community service events, but are limited in how much can be allocated. However, with N.C. State and Campbell Law united, the ability to schedule a large-scale event was made possible — all the while fostering an environment where our students can connect.
This program wouldn’t be possible without the generous corporate sponsorships of Thermo Fisher Scientific and Daily Fuel Online Fitness, Chapman said.
“Our combined institutional and corporate sponsor efforts have enabled us to fund the packaging of 20,000 meals — the number speaks for itself. We are super excited about this event and are so thankful both Campbell Law and N.C. State have come together to not only support such a great cause, but to further invest in their students as well as for the support of Thermo Fisher Scientific and Daily Fuel Online Fitness,” Chapman added.
Rise Against Hunger is a nonprofit organization that helps provide sustainable food for diversifying diets in underprivileged communities worldwide — with a goal to one day end world hunger. The organization is backed by Heinz and other major corporations with very effective distribution channels to deliver meals to some of the most impoverished communities worldwide. As part of their mission, Rise Against Hunger offers opportunities for people to not only donate money, but they can also package prepaid meals that will be delivered to these communities to create a more tangible connection to the cause. Further, Rise Against Hunger will set up a mobile packaging space for groups to package at their businesses, school gymnasiums and even breweries. All participants have to do is show up and package — all the logistics are covered by Rise Against Hunger.
To RSVP visit this link: