Special Episode of Campbell Law Reporter: Learning the law online and adapting to the new ‘normal’

Campbell Law School students posted a new, special full-length episode of the Campbell Law Reporter (CLR) Podcast on Thursday, March 26, in response to classes moving online after Spring Break due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. CLR is a legal podcast that strives to expand the university’s mission to lead with purpose by reporting with purpose.
In this episode of the Campbell Law Reporter, host Lloyd Newman ’22 interviews Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Sarah Ludington about online learning and adapting to working at home in light of universities, law firms, courts and other businesses being forced to move online due to the coronavirus pandemic.
You can also listen to the episode at the following clickable link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/campbell-law-reporter.The staff invites listeners to leave reviews and/or comments regarding the podcast on iTunes.
You can subscribe and listen to the podcast by clicking on this Podbean link as well.
Suggestions, questions or media inquiries should be sent to campbelllawreporter@email.campbell.edu
Happy listening!