Campbell Law Reporter launches fourth season of student-run podcast

The Campbell Law Reporter (CLR) Podcast has kicked off its fourth season with an interview with Campbell Law Dean J. Rich Leonard. Upcoming interviews will feature the new leader of Legal Aid of North Carolina (LANC) and the assistant general counsel of Glaxo Smith, among many others.
Episodes are released every other Wednesday throughout the semester.
About the first episode entitled, “FROM WELCOME TO WINDHOEK: A JUDGE’S JOURNEY – AN INTERVIEW WITH DEAN RICH LEONARD,” CLR Host and Podcast Editor Stephen Dinkel writes:” This is the remarkable story of how a boy from rural Welcome, North Carolina, grew up to become an innovative judge, global citizen and go-to guy for court-building in emerging African nations. Along the way, he organizes the first-ever judicial conference in Tanzania, jogs with children in Lusaka, dances with a python, and has adventures ranging from the harrowing to the hilarious. In the end, he discovers the distance between Welcome and Windhoek is not as great as he imagined, and that both places now occupy adjoining spaces in his heart.”
Listen to the podcast at this link.
Upcoming episodes will focus on the expunction and driver’s license restoration work of the law school’s Blanchard Community Law Clinic in an interview with Professor Ashley Campbell, who recently became the leader of LANC.
“We welcome suggestions for future content,” Dinkel said. “Our desire is to expand our guest list to legal professionals outside of the law school. These individuals need not only need be in Raleigh, either. The neat thing about podcasting is that we can have discussions essentially with anyone across the globe!”
In fact, last season included interviews with the Durham County (North Carolina) District Attorney and a New York Times bestselling author.
Episodes are released every other Wednesday throughout the semester.
Campbell Law students launched the inaugural podcast on Oct. 16, 2019. CLR is a legal podcast that strives to expand the university’s mission to lead with purpose by reporting with purpose. Campbell Law is the only law school in the nation that has an active podcast run solely by students.
“We hope to breathe new life into the dusty reporters on the shelves by reporting the content through captivating discussion,” said Hunter Koehl ‘20, founding editor-in-chief of the podcast, when the podcast was launched.
Communications and Marketing Director Lisa Snedeker serves as adviser to the podcast staff.
“The CLR editors and staff members have done an impressive job of creating and continuing this podcast,” Dean J. Rich Leonard said. “I never cease to be amazed by the creativity and drive of Campbell Law students.”
The podcast is available on Podbean, Stitcher, TuneIn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The podcast can be found on those listening platforms by searching “Campbell Law School” or “Campbell Law Reporter.” Also, the links are shared on the law school’s website.
The staff invites listeners to leave reviews and/or comments regarding the podcast on iTunes.
Suggestions, questions or media inquiries should be sent to