Campbell Law students volunteer at Latinx vaccination clinics

As part of Campbell Law School‘s Pro Bono Project efforts, members of the Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project (IRRP) are volunteering at a COVID-19 vaccination clinic to serve the Latinx community on Friday, April 16.
The event will take place from 2:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Primera Iglesia at 1100 Eagle Rock Road in Wendell, N.C. in partnership with El Centro Hispano.
In March, law students volunteered at a similar vaccination clinic that served more than 250 members of the Latinx community, said Pro Bono Project Director Hannah Akers ’21. “The event was a huge success and we couldn’t have done it without our student volunteers,” she said. “Even some of own Campbell Law student were able to get vaccinated.”
Many Latinx residents work in service industries such as construction, farming or food processing where they may be more likely to be exposed to the virus. According to news reports, the Latinx community represents 45% of COVID-19 cases in Wake County and nearly 62% of Durham residents who tested positive, while only making up 10% of the state’s population.
The IRRP allows students the opportunity to work with local immigrant and refugee assistance programs to foster a better understanding of laws and regulations impacting immigrants and refugees.