Campbell Law’s SBA to host golf tournament fundraiser on Friday, March 24

The Campbell Law School Student Bar Association (SBA) is hosting a 2023 Campbell Law Classic Fundraiser Golf Tournament, sponsored by Crabtree, at 1 p.m. on Friday, March 24, at the Eagle Ridge Golf Club.
Students and their families, as well as Campbell University alumni and faculty are encouraged to participate in the event, and the funds raised will benefit law school student organizations, said William Sparks ’24, who is organizing the event.
The cost for students to participate is $25 each, family members and faculty/staff are able to participate for $50 each. The price is $100 per person for law firms and alumni, with discounts offered for the purchase of multiple tickets: two tickets for $175, four tickets for $360 and eight tickets for $650. Register at this link.
Eagle Ridge is a golf course that can be enjoyed by all golfers, regardless of their skill level, according to the website. Participants are also invited to compete in the Longest Drive Challenge and the Closest to the Pin Challenge sponsored by Crabtree.
The SBA is comprised of all enrolled students at Campbell Law and works to foster the development of lawyers who possess moral conviction, social compassion and professional competence. The SBA coordinates and oversees student clubs, organization, and extracurricular social and professional activities where students are able to pursue their passions, explore their interests and acquire professional skills.