Campbell Legacy Spotlight: Alexis Edwards, Scarlette Edwards (’94) & Anthony Edwards (’96)

Alexis Edwards is one of a special cohort of students entering Campbell University this fall, connected by a thread that, in most cases, was tied before they were even born. Edwards and these dozens of other students are all legacies, the children or grandchildren of Campbell alumni. In Edwards’ case, both her mother and father, Scarlette (’94 BBA and MBA) and Anthony Edwards (’96 BBA) are proud alumni, as well as her aunt, Angela Strickland (’91). Alexis plans to obtain a degree in kinesiology at Campbell, with future goals of a doctorate in physical therapy.
“It means so much to me to be a Campbell University legacy,” Alexis said. “Following in my parents’ footsteps is a tradition that I am proud of. Sharing stories and experiences about Campbell with my family in the years to come will be interesting to see the similarities and differences with different generations.”
A resident of Benson, just twenty minutes from Campbell’s campus, Alexis formed many childhood memories from the Campbell community. “During elementary grades, I attended basketball camp and participated in tennis lessons. Swimming lessons were a part of many summers. I also attended a week long softball camp with my travel ball friends,” she said. Likewise, her mother, Scarlette revisited favorite memories from Campbell as she toured campus with Alexis, saying, “As commuting students, we could often be found in the day student lounge at Turner. We can still smell those chocolate chip cookies baking in Chele’s Place. Who can forget the year the men’s basketball team played in the NCAA Tournament against Duke University? That was an awesome year to be part of the Campbell University student body.”
Now it is time for Alexis to make her own memories as a Campbell student. “I am so excited about making new friends and getting to experience new things. I am also excited to get involved with many different activities during my time at Campbell,” she said. But it’s not just friends and activities that Alexis is looking forward to, as she added, “One of the most exciting things for me is to physically be on the same campus as my parents and have classes in the same buildings that they did.”
Scarlette and Anthony Edwards are just as excited for their daughter to begin her education at Campbell. “Visiting the campus with Alexis was like returning home,” Scarlette said. “We know that she will receive an excellent education with endless opportunities from a university that continues to promote Christian values. We are excited for Alexis to meet new people and attend a university in a rural setting with knowledgeable professors who know their students. She will not be a number, but will be a valued student at Campbell.”
Alexis and her fellow incoming legacy students will be honored at a lunch for legacy families held on freshman move-in day. They will have the opportunity to meet other legacies and begin to build their Campbell network. “I am honored to be recognized as a legacy,” Alexis said. “Higher education has always been important to our family and with the successes and highly respected programs at Campbell University, I am fortunate to have the same opportunities that my parents did.”
To learn more about opportunities for legacy students, read more here.