Campbell Legacy Spotlights

The Rodgers Family
The Rodgers have a long legacy of Campbell graduates, dating back to Lynn’s father, J.D. Gore who attended Campbell College in 1960. Lynn and James’ son carried on their Campbell legacy, graduating in 2020, and their daughter continues the tradition as a current student.
“We were thrilled when our oldest son, Caleb (’20), told us that he wanted to attend Campbell. My father attended Campbell when it was a 2 year college, so I thought, Campbell is set to be a Rodgers legacy. James (’89, ’91) made it an annual tradition to take all of our boys to the “Father-Son” basketball camp, so our boys were familiar with the campus. It was fun going back to campus several times to take him on a tour of the campus and show him where we lived when we were at Campbell. Caleb settled into CU life and got involved with SGA, and was able to become an RA just like both of us.
“Little did we know that our daughter, Leah (’23) would choose Campbell to pursue her degree in biochemistry, pre-med and have an opportunity to play for the women’s soccer team. We could not be prouder of our kids choosing our alma mater.
“Our family loves the traditions that make Campbell a wonderful place to receive an education and make lifelong friends. Over the last few years, we have enjoyed soccer games, homecoming events, and participating in alumni events, but the best part has been just going to see the kids. We are proud alumni and Legacy Parents, and glad we have made Campbell a family tradition. Who knows…there may be more Rodgers to come….Go Camels!” Lynn Rodgers, ’90
The Alpizar Family
Bryanna Alpizar is a rising freshman who was inspired by her sister’s Campbell experience. Ultimately, Bryanna decided to follow in Jendry’s (’23) footsteps and become a Campbell Camel.
“Truthfully carrying on the Campbell family tradition means the world to me. While in high school I saw how the Campbell environment and academics positively impacted my sister and I knew I wanted the university in my future. I’m so excited to embark on this journey with her alongside me and to be one step closer to helping others.” Bryanna Alpizar, ’25
The Coats Family
Bob Coats proudly witnessed his granddaughter, Macie complete her Campbell degree in May. Read more about their story here.
“I was proud of my baby sister following in my footsteps (Kim class of ‘99), however nothing thrills a parent or grandparent more than a child or a grandchild following in their tradition. I am so proud of Macie and know that Campbell instilled in her something that will benefit her for the rest of her life.” Bob Coats, ’56
“It was an honor to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather. I have always had a special bond with him and growing up listening to his stories about his time at Campbell greatly influenced my decision to attend this wonderful university.” Macie Price, ’21
The Davis Family
Rachel and Elizabeth Davis are a pair of sisters excited to add “Campbell alumna” to the list of many traits they share in common.
“I am so honored that my sister chose to attend Campbell as well. I couldn’t be more excited that she has the same opportunities that I was fortunate enough to experience, but I am also excited for her to branch out and make Campbell her own unique home. I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes in the coming years!” Rachel Davis, ’19
“My sister graduated two years ago, but when I visit Campbell, I talk to people who remember her and how involved she was in all areas of the school. Seeing the mark she left excites me to follow in her footsteps and seek out as many opportunities at Campbell that I can.” Elizabeth Davis, ’25
The Fitch Family
Bob Fitch and his granddaughter, Madeline love sharing a Campbell experience, even if their graduation dates are separated by almost 50 years. Bob is a proud Campbell grandfather and has enjoyed watching Madeline find success at Campbell.
My experience at Campbell was positive in so many ways, and it was truly a blessing when my granddaughter, Madeline, decided to enroll in 2016 and continue what I hope will be an ongoing legacy in our family. Madeline graduated in 2020 with a B.S degree in kinesiology, and aspires to continue her education with a doctorate in physical therapy as she pursues her calling to serve as a physical therapist. When she visits us in Virginia, we always wear our Campbell attire and reminisce about our experiences at “the creek.” Bob Fitch (’69)
The Bee Family
Jessie (’18) and Amy Bee (’90) are a mother-daughter Campbell duo who both served (and serve) as active members of the student population and alumni community.
“Following in my mom’s footsteps and attending Campbell University meant I got to take the foundations of her love for Campbell, and make my own memories and foster my own love for the school.” Jessie Bee, ’18
The Holland Family
Robert Holland is a rising freshman who is excited to carry on his mom, Melinda’s (’16) Campbell tradition. Robert hopes to use his mother as a positive example for how to have a great college experience.
“I feel very proud that I will be following in my mother’s footsteps and hopefully continue the many Campbell traditions. She is still friends with some of her suitemates from the 90s, and I look forward to making new lifelong friends and experiencing the college lifestyle as she did.” Robert Holland, ’25
A Campbell Legacy is a student whose family member graduated from Campbell. We appreciate that our alumni value their own Campbell degree and have instilled the desire for learning and higher education into their families. We hope our students remember this tradition of being a Campbell Legacy with strong appreciation and embrace this new family they are now a part of. To learn more about the Campbell Legacy program, visit