Campbell students convene Harnett County Community Leader Summit

The second annual Harnett County Community Leader Summit was held on campus on Nov. 12, bringing together local leaders in business, education, nonprofit work, social services, ministry, politics and more.
Participants engaged in conversation and networking around the theme “Leading with Stories: Connecting the Past and Shaping the Future.”
The Summit was organized and convened by students in Dr. Justin Nelson’s SOCI 451 class on community engagement, including Ashtyn Barbee, Sarah Cribb, Madison East, Aviel Eubanks, Adria Foreman, Janjay Gardea, Sarah Howell, Ally May and Inayat Zulfiqar. The students facilitated discussions about asset mapping and shared insights from conversations with community leaders to highlight the importance of storytelling for local community engagement projects.
The Summit is part of an ongoing partnership between community engagement courses in the School of Education & Human Sciences and the Office of Spiritual Life, including Rev. Morgan Pajak, as well as the nonprofit organization Sympara and its CEO Mr. Daniel Pryfogle.
Through the process of asset mapping, this work seeks to highlight the many resources in Harnett County and invite conversations about the possibilities for collaboration across organizations that serve the local community.