Campbell Students Get in the Holiday Spirit

Christmas comes early at Campbell University. With final exams ending in the middle of December students at Campbell get an early start to the holiday season. The Student Government Association’s annual tree lighting event is the official kick off for this year’s festivities. Over 800 students attended the tree lighting event in academic circle. Students began lining up as early as 5:30 pm to be the first to get this year’s edition of the tree lighting T-shirt. The program also included Christmas music and hot chocolate while everyone anticipated the 9pm lighting.
During the ceremony, the tree was dedicated to Tia Mullens, manager at the campus Starbucks who is a friendly face that many students enjoy seeing when they get their morning coffee. After the dedication, a countdown from ten proceeded followed by the main event of the tree lighting up. As the tree began to glow, snow machines created a magical snow effect competing the evening.
In addition to the tree lighting, the Student Union switched into Christmas mode with decorations appearing and Christmas music replacing the usual fare. Between now and the end of the semester, there are several more festive events planned. Fraternity and Sorority Life will have their Christmas Bash on December 1st and Spiritual Life will host an Advent gathering on December 4th in Butler Chapel. A long running Campbell tradition, the Christmas at Campbell show will take place on December 5th in Hobson Performing Arts Center. These will be followed by the Alumni Office’s Jingle and Mingle event on December 8th and a Faculty/Staff Christmas Worship Service on December 13th.