Campbell University Announces New Director of Athletic Bands

Buies Creek—Campbell University welcomes Dr. Michael Phillips as their new Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Athletic Bands. Dr. Phillips will be joining the Faculty on July 1st, 2020. In his role at Campbell, he will oversee the Marching Band and Basketball Band programs, work with recruiting and teach academic classes in the Music Department.

“I fell in love with the Campbell campus when I arrived. The Chapel, the stadium, the new student union, the expanding facilities, the potential, and most importantly the people I met when I visited… I knew I could be productive, contribute to the campus, and see myself and family calling CU home. I was invigorated by the desire I experienced in everyone: students, faculty, staff, and administrators… to build and create into the future. The optimism and passion was genuinely fulfilling. I am looking forward to working with an amazing team of creators, educators, and leaders at Campbell University and anticipate building a long-term music family with our students, recruits, community, and for our forever important alumni.” –Dr. Phillips
Dr. Phillips brings a vast amount of experience and expertise in athletic bands and music business education. He received his Ph.D. in Music Education and Instrumental Wind Conducting from the University of Florida, Master of Science in Music Education from the University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana specializing in Instrumental Conducting and Computer Assisted Instruction, and a Bachelor of Music in Music Education and Music Business from the Crane School of Music at the State University of New York at Postdam. He has completed fellowships with the College Music Society and the National Association of Music Merchants. Further, In 2018, Dr. Phillips was awarded the KMEA (Kentucky Music Educators Association) District 9 University Teacher of the Year.
Dr. Charles Dwayne Wilson, Associate Professor of Music, Director of Bands and Instrumental Studies had this to say about Dr. Phillips arrival:

“I am excited to introduce our new Director of Athletic Bands, Dr. Michael Phillips. I am elated that he is part of the CU Bands and Instrumental Studies Team and Faculty. He has numerous years of Athletic Band experience at small Colleges and mid-sized and large Universities as well high school band directing experience. Along with his excitement and love of Athletic Bands, he brings a wealth of knowledge and ability in conducting, rehearsal techniques, marching band techniques, and music education. Dr. Phillips is also a National Association of Music Merchants Fellow and has taught classes and written curriculum for Music Business education. The CU Band program is experiencing unprecedented growth with the largest 1st year entering student class in the history of the band program at Campbell. In 2020-2021 CU Bands and Instrumental Studies will have over 180 participants with approximately 120 in Athletic Bands. With a renewed vision for the future, the Band Program is excited to present “The Greatest Show”, a marching show based on the music of The Greatest Showman and “A Concert for Hope”, the Fall 2020 Concert from the University Wind Ensemble and Sandhills Wind Symphony. Our exciting renewed vision and growth is in large part, due to the tireless efforts of our Band Staff, Students and Faculty. Dr. Michael Phillip’s extraordinary energy, drive and expertise will enhance this growth and promote the CU Bands vision for the future as we all strive to lead with purpose, dedicate ourselves to serve students and our community, and desire to inspire those around us. As Dr. Phillips commented, CU Bands is Inspired to Inspire.”
When looking toward the present and then to the future Phillips made references to many different areas:

“I was invigorated by the desire I experienced in everyone: students, faculty, staff, and administrators… to build and create into the future. The optimism and passion was genuinely fulfilling. I am excited to see where our passion and abilities will take us. Growth of not only numbers, but in quality in every area both Visually and Musically. I’m excited not only to work with CU students, but to get with the schools throughout the area and meet the amazing directors, students, and parents that drive the programs through the region. My desire is to not only contribute on campus, but off campus just as effectively.”
Prior to the first days of his tenure at Campbell, he has conceptualized Campbell University’s first ever virtual band camp that he entitled, Inspired to Inspire. The vision for this program came from the university mission statement of providing opportunities for servant leadership and community engagement, with an emphasis on underserved communities. During this season of unusual difficulty with COVID-19 it allows for band directors, drum majors, section leaders, and instrumental students at the high school level to get advance training from university faculty, staff, and students along with some of the latest developments in COVID-19 and technology. This virtual camp will take place on July 15th, 16th, and 17th. When asked why the title, Inspired to Inspire, Phillips stated “That is what the CU team did for me…inspired me to be me, and I valued that in coming to join the CU team.”

Please join the Division of Bands and Instrumental Studies in welcoming Dr. Michael Phillips and his wife Jessica and son Aidan to Campbell University.