PGY-1 Resident Charlotte Wilmouth shares how CPHS helped her grow, both personally and professionally

“Since starting at Campbell for undergrad I felt like the faculty and staff were so supportive of my career goals.”
Name: Charlotte Wilmouth
Program: PharmD
Match: PGY-1
Residency program: Mission Hospital, Asheville, NC
Undergraduate education: BS General Science, Campbell University
Describe the experiences, people, dual degree/courses, work, service and/or leadership experiences that have meant to the most to you and helped you to get where you are today: Since starting at Campbell for undergrad I felt like the faculty and staff were so supportive of my career goals. My time in the pharmaceutical science program was instrumental in supporting me with a foundational knowledge that allowed me to have a successful start to the PharmD curriculum. The professors I had were encouraging and honest about the challenges ahead and they helped prepare me both personally and professionally.
I have loved being able to continue to stay in touch as I have advanced in the PharmD program. It is always rewarding to be able to update them on how things have been going. The special feeling of ” home” that Buies Creek provides was also extended to me as I searched for ways to expand my experience and understanding of clinical pharmacy throughout pharmacy school. The local hospital system, Harnett Health, hired me on the summer before P1 year, allowing me to gain experience and a better understanding of the ins and outs of hospital pharmacy. The pharmacists there became my mentors and biggest cheerleaders and I am so thankful for their advice throughout the years.
I am so grateful for the Chemistry department at Campbell for allowing me to get involved as a lab instructor as well as tutor. The opportunity to teach organic chemistry lab helped develop my leadership skills and build my confidence as a professional going into the PharmD program. These skills transferred into my time within organizations within CPHS. I became heavily involved with my pharmacy fraternity Phi Delta Chi, serving as the chapter liaison and then president. I also was able to serve as vice president of the pharmacy leadership honor society Phi Lambda Sigma, working closely with other students passionate about helping others become stronger leaders. I have loved the experiences and opportunities Campbell has provided me over the years. From an abundance of t-shirts in undergrad to a range of professional skills and understanding in the PharmD program, I will always remember my time in the Creek fondly.
Accomplishments: I am so passionate about the outcomes of my leadership roles during the PharmD program. My time within Phi Delta Chi was focused on leading our group towards greater service to our community. Nationally we ranked 5th for our service and professional events, and 7th overall, showing the true dedication and teamwork of all our members. We were also selected as CPHS Organization of the year during my time as president. It was rewarding to see our commitment honored both locally and nationally, and for others to see the hard work I had seen our members contribute.
My time serving in Phi Lambda Sigma here also opened further opportunities for leadership on the national level. I was able to serve as part of PLS’s national member engagement committee based on the programing we were able to develop for the community here at Campbell. I am so grateful for the ability to share ideas and network with other students passionate about leadership in pharmacy through this committee. It has been a great way to showcase to others the programs we have here in place at Campbell, and to come up with ideas to help others get more involved.
My time professionally was wrapped up this past spring with admission into the academic honor society Rho Chi. I was shocked and overjoyed to have been recognized for this honor, and to join with my peers in this accomplishment.
I am grateful for the preceptors I have had this past year who have helped push me to develop my independence and confidence in my clinical pharmacy skills. They have allowed me to determine what I value about clinical pharmacy and also opened doors to new opportunities. I am thankful for my Internal Medicine preceptor Dr. Muzyk who was willing to involve myself and two of my peers on a soon to be published paper. It was been such good learning experience and I am grateful for his willingness to trust our work on this project.
When thinking about how you got to where you are now, list the most important things you did/were involved with or that Campbell helped you to do? The ability to get involved in leadership positions was one of the greatest things Campbell did that helped me get to where I am today. These roles were so intertwined in my development as a clinical pharmacist. From holding events for speakers in different parts of the field, to learning how to deal with conflict on a team, it made me a well-rounded professional with a wide perspective of how pharmacy actually works in the real world. The leadership opportunities available developed both my soft skills and my clinical skills. As I went throughout the interview process for PGY1 jobs I reminisced on many of the experiences and opportunities I had throughout these roles to show residency programs the type of learner Campbell had developed me into.
What would you recommend to those interested in becoming a successful clinician pharmacist? Take advantage of any opportunity offered to you. I have learned so much by being willing to say “yes” and try new things. You are here to learn, so use the resources and opportunities provided to you.
I would also encourage students to get involved. Whether that is through service, an internship/job, or leadership, take the time to find something you are passionate about doing outside of just the pharmacy curriculum. It helps to develop your passion, expand your time management skills, and deepen your understanding of the opportunities available within the field of pharmacy. It does not have to be an executive board role at the start, just do what you can to find ways to serve and be active.