Devotion for July 11, 2022

Choose Health – Mind, Body, & Spirit
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
In a meeting recently, we were discussing healthy financial management for leaders. The guest speaker then said, “Healthy finances are just one part of the equation. We must also work on getting healthier in our physical selves and our spiritual selves!”
But as I looked around the room, almost ALL of us were overweight and not by just a few pounds! And I became convicted of the challenge!
Seventy-five per cent of our nation is overweight! That translates to 75% of the people in your organization is overweight, 75% of the leaders are overweight. Many of them are dangerously close to obese! We’ve got to do better. We’ve got to take care of our bodies better.
Paul’s words to us at the end of chapter six are in the context of some awfully bad behavior, behavior that was putting the church at peril. We must hear these words to be reminded of health being a series of intentional acts. Health doesn’t just happen. We choose health!
Here’s what happens when we are unhealthy…mentally, physically, or spiritually:
- We lose our desire to play.
- We lose positive self-esteem.
- We lose our confidence as leaders.
- We lose the energy we need to care for our congregations.
- We lose our vision of God’s calling on our lives.
This not just about our physical bodies. Our organizational bodies need to be in their best conditions too. In these days of transition for the Center, we are examining our health. We are looking at what we are doing well, what we need to continue doing, and what we need to change. We are committed to getting healthier in our own systems.
What about you? What about your church? What about your community? How can we help you choose health?
We continue to pray for you in your excellent work. Let us hear from you about what you may be needing!
Bo Prosser, Manager of Coaching
Campbell University Center for Church and Community