Divinity Professor Publishes Latest Oxford University Press Title

Dr. Alicia Myers, Associate Professor of New Testament and Greek at Campbell University Divinity School, launched her latest book with Oxford University Press on November 9. An Introduction to the Gospels and Acts joins Oxford’s Essentials of Biblical Studies series.
“This book is the reflection of the last ten years of my teaching and scholarship. The goal of the book—and Oxford’s Essentials of Biblical Studies series—is to give students and other readers a glimpse into the world of the New Testament. My book focuses on the four canonical Gospels and Acts. There was so much more to write about each biblical book than I could include, but my hope is that what I have written will inspire others to dig in more deeply,” said Dr. Myers.
“The most enjoyable chapter for me to write was the one on the Christian Apocrypha—those gospels and acts that didn’t make it into the canon. Even though they are not part of the New Testament, these works help us see what early Christians were facing, what questions they were asking, and what answers they gave—even when we disagree.”
Dr. Myers has taught at the Divinity School since 2014. She is also a Research Fellow at the University of the Free State in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Her current projects include a book on the theology of John’s Gospel for the New Testament Theology, Revised Series with Cambridge University Press and a book project with Dr. Mandy McMichael (Baylor University) focusing on Helen Barrett Montgomery’s Centenary Translation of the New Testament which they hope to publish in 2024.