DPT student, Jackalyn Geraty, moved halfway across the country to attend Campbell

“Having lived in Illinois all my life, and never been to North Carolina until after I had accepted my offer from Campbell, I was nervous to move halfway across the country to a place where I knew no one. I will be forever grateful that I took the leap of faith to accept my offer.”
Name: Jackalyn Geraty
Program: Doctor of Physical Therapy
Anticipated graduation year: 2024
Undergraduate Institution: University of Illinois
Why did you choose CPHS and what benefits do you believe you are gaining from attending Campbell? Did you connect with the “Campbell family?” I chose Campbell because they were the only school that made me feel like they actually cared about me as a person. A lot of programs made the application process feel very impersonal and like you are simply a sheet of scores. Campbell was the complete opposite.
Please summarize your personal, business, and academic journey. I am from Antioch, Illinois and graduated from the University of Illinois in May 2021. I started the DPT program at Campbell in January 2022, and am currently halfway through my first year.
At Campbell we believe in purposeful lives and meaningful service. What legacy do you hope to leave? I hope to leave a legacy at Campbell as a student who was passionate about her studies, which will then transfer to being passionate about the patients that I serve. I am impressed with Campbell’s DPT program. It feels like there is always a patient first mentality. I aspire to carry that with me into my future career as a physical therapist.
Reasons why prospective students should choose Campbell over other Graduate and Professional Schools: The faculty at Campbell’s DPT program is what truly sets it apart from other programs. The professors care about our success as students and future physical therapists, and it shows day in and day out. Coming from a large undergraduate university, I forgot how important it is to have good student teacher relationships and how it can be a determining factor in succeeding in such a rigorous program.
Additional comments: Having lived in Illinois all my life, and never been to North Carolina until after I had accepted my offer from Campbell, I was nervous to move halfway across the country to a place where I knew no one. I will be forever grateful that I took the leap of faith to accept my offer. I have made lifelong friends, absolutely love this program, and feel constantly supported by our faculty.
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