Dr. Steve Fuller Impressed by HOSA Students

“At Campbell University, we walk beside our students because we want to make a difference in their lives so they can make a difference in the lives of others.”
I had the opportunity to visit Knightdale High School to talk about our profession and the opportunities available to them. I had a slide set ready to go (thanks Brenda Blackman) and the students filed into the auditorium, and they were all dressed in black pants, white shirts, and black blazers. They looked sharp, but I felt I had just entered a “Men in Black” script, which never looks favorable for the intruder which was me. The projector didn’t work, and the microphone was suspect, so I knew something good was going to happen.
They were all seated so I told them if they got to sit down so did I and sat on the end of the auditorium stage and began my fireside chat with 50 students. I confessed to them that I WAS a science nerd and that I loved to learn each day, but what makes me love being in healthcare is connecting with people and helping them out and that this NEVER gets old. I had each of them tell me what high school they attended, and something they do when they weren’t being nerds and studying science related materials. They laughed then each of them smiled as they got to brag about their proficiencies in taekwondo, teaching yoga, kick-boxing, cross-country running, knitting, and all of the qualities that will make them the “person” behind the healthcare provider.
I proceeded to explain the role of a pharmacist in a clinic/hospital/community setting, and why we are needed now more than ever. They asked me about my training, and I gave them the short version of our degree, residencies, fellowships, certifications and the jobs that await them. I had at least 50 questions during this session, and I was very impressed with the student applicant pool that is available for healthcare degrees. I discussed the difference between big state universities and smaller private colleges and placed emphasis on the need for each of them to be well rounded. I stressed their identity is not determined by their GPA or the number of clubs they join, but by the impact they leave on the lives of people.
At Campbell University, we walk beside our students because we want to make a difference in their lives so they can make a difference in the lives of others. Campbell cares.