Future Alumni Friday

Each Friday, the Alumni Association will spotlight members of the Class of 2021. These future alumni have excelled during their time at Campbell, both in the classroom and around campus. We’re proud of their achievements and look forward to welcoming their class into the alumni family.
Sarah Boone
Major: Biology Pre-PT and Environmental Science
Hometown: Sanford, NC
Future plans: Physical Therapy program at Duke University
Favorite professor: Dr. Evan Reynolds
What makes you excited about being a Campbell alumna?
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Campbell! I have had an amazing four years here in the science department, as well as extra curricular activities including The Lyricist and the Call Team. I have made many lifelong connections and friendships and will definitely miss sitting outside in the Academic Circle with friends. I know that my experience at Campbell has given me a broad background in the sciences and in working with people that I will use to further my education and career as a physical therapist!
What was your favorite Campbell tradition?
I love looking forward to the Christmas Tree Lighting each year! No matter what else is going on during the semester, whether the stress of finals, COVID changes this year, or any other issues or uncertainties, the Christmas tree lighting is a time to stop and enjoy time with friends in community. I also look forward to Midnight Breakfast for the same reason; no matter what is happening, this is a time to pause and reflect on the past semester.
More About Sarah: “I first met Sarah when she attended a Campbell Spiritual Life small group I hosted, and she now works for me on the student Call Team. Sarah is an all-around excellent representation of Campbell University! She is professional, kind-hearted, joyful, and a leader among peers. She values relationships and service, which are two reasons why she chose Campbell.” – Alex Baumann, assistant director of annual giving
Kathleen Miller
Major: Juris Doctor
Hometown: Fayetteville, NC
Future Plans: Employment law or working in the government sector; Pro Bono expunction clinics
Favorite Professor: Anthony Ghiotto
What makes you excited about being a Campbell alumna?
I am excited to be an alumna because Campbell sticks together! Good times, bad times, and the in between, you know that you will always have a person that has your back. During my time at Campbell Law School, networking and the Camel community has been integral to my success. Whether it’s an internship, scholarship opportunity, or just friendly advice, the community at Campbell has helped me grow personally and professionally. Alongside fellow Campbell grads, I can’t wait to be able to support and give back to Campbell organizations like the Black Law Students Association and Women in Law, which play such an important role in providing opportunities and resources for the success of minority law students. I know that once I graduate I’ll be joining an even larger Camel community of successful, hardworking, and innovative leaders.
What was your favorite Campbell tradition?
My favorite Campbell tradition is the annual bike ride which raises funds for the various clinics at the law school. Even in light of COVID-19 precautions, I was happy that the school was able to find a safe way to continue this tradition. I’ve personally participated in the senior law clinic and have friends who have participated in the community law and restorative justice clinics. We have seen first hand the amazing work the clinic directors and student interns do for the local community and just how meaningful of an immersive experience it is for future legal professionals. This year, I volunteered to help out with the bike ride and had such an amazing time meeting clinic supporters. I even had the chance to take a ride around the parking lot on the seven person conference bike with my fellow volunteers!
More About Kathleen:
“Kathleen is a rock start. Serving as the 2020-2021 Black Student Association President – she’s led the charge through some tough times for our students of color. She’s also competed on various trial teams, being honored for her skills. Kat works with an attorney who is also a Campbell Law Alum, Ayeshinaye Smith, here in Raleigh.” – Evin Grant, Assistant Dean of Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities
Haley Farrow
Major: Health & Physical Education w/ Teacher Licensure
Hometown: Creeksville, NC
Future Plans: Teach Health and Physical Education in North Carolina
Favorite Professor: Dr. Terrie Hampton-Jones and Dr. Kymm Ballard
What makes you excited about being a Campbell alumna?
Campbell has developed a reputation for being a well-respected, prestigious university and it will be an honor to be able to say I am a Campbell University alumna. Particularly, the School of Education is known for its production of well prepared teachers, therefore, being able to say that I am a product of Campbell’s School of Education is exciting to me; we have the best future teachers. We also have the coolest mascot in the Fighting Camels so I love being and will love always being a Campbell Fighting Camel. I love the way Campbell keeps connected with their alumni and honors our time here at school. I’ve made some good memories over my four years here so knowing that I will still feel like a part of Campbell post graduation means a lot to me.
What was your favorite Campbell tradition?
Wear Orange Wednesday because it displays the community aspect of being a Campbell student. It’s nice to see everyone showing their school pride through wearing the color orange. I love when the student body joins together for an event and orange happens to be my favorite color, so it’s nice seeing everyone wearing their orange on Wednesday’s.
More About Haley:
“Haley is a leader among leaders. She enjoys collaborating, teaming, and assisting others. She’s a dependable student that puts others first. She is meticulous when completing assignments and lesson planning. In the classroom, she creates a positive and fun learning environment. Her students rave about her. She is a reflective practitioner and natural in the classroom.” – Dr. Terrie Hampton-Jones, Director of Teaching Scholars and Technology Coordinator
Brandon Irabor
Major: Juris Doctor
Hometown: Dallas, TX
Future Plans: Civil Litigation
Favorite Professor: Professor Jon Powell
What makes you excited about being a Campbell alumnus?
During my time at Campbell Law, I have made several friendships that will last a lifetime. I cannot wait to see the career paths my fellow Campbell Law Grads take. I know Campbell Law School has prepared us for the rigors of the legal profession.
What was your favorite Campbell tradition?
This one is easy; Mock Trial. Advocacy is a hallmark at Campbell Law. The Mock Trial Program consistently ranks among the best in the nation. Along with competing against some of the country’s best advocates, Campbell Law student-advocates gain practical, real-world advocacy skills. Being on Mock Trail was definitely the highlight of my law school experience.
More About Brandon:
“Along with coordinating the law school racial justice study tour two years in a row, Brandon is a stellar student competing and winning various trial competitions. As a past president of the Black Law Student Association, he’s developed leadership skills and talents that will take him far.” – Evin Grant, Assistant Dean of Student Life and Pro Bono Opportunities
Kristen Wagner-Hilt
Major: Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Hometown: Rochester, NY
Future Plans: Assistant Director, Career Development role with the Office of Career Planning at Meredith College
Favorite Professors: Dr. Vincent, Dr. Wagstaff, and Dr. Moran
What makes you excited about being a Campbell alumna?
I think I am most excited to continue to grow relationships with other Campbell alumnae. During my time at Campbell, I had the opportunity to make so many great connections and I am looking forward to fostering those relationships and making new ones.
What was your favorite Campbell tradition?
I’m not sure if this is a tradition, but some of my favorite Campbell memories were during Orientation as the Graduate Assistant for First-Year Experience. I loved seeing the energy around the whole weekend and getting the chance to meet new students and families. Working with the Orientation Leaders is right up there for me too!
More about Kristen:
“While obtaining her Clinical Mental Health Counseling degree, I’ve had the pleasure to work with Kristen as a graduate assistant in multiple offices across campus. She is always quick to respond, thoughtful in our conversations and creative in her responses to cultivate lasting partnerships between the various offices. I have truly enjoyed getting to know and work with Kristen and will definitely miss her presence here at Campbell when she graduates in May!” – Shirl Stamey, CPHS Student Affairs
Adriana Nunez
Major: Spanish
Hometown: Angier, NC
Future Plans: Spanish Teacher
Favorite Professor: Dr. Jones
What makes you excited about being a Campbell alumnus/a?
To make a difference in my community.
What was your favorite Campbell tradition?
More About Adriana:
“Adriana, is a dedicated student to Professional Education, the University, the community, and her family. While pursuing her teaching certification she has proved to be an educator that is knowledgeable in her content, caring, and nourishing. She is a meticulous planner that focuses on challenging her students with rigorous and relative projects. Adriana, often shares that her degree not only belongs to her but also to her family because of their continued support while she obtained her Teacher’s License.” – Dr. Terrie Hampton-Jones, Director of Teaching Scholars and Technology Coordinator
Ethan Barry
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Wilson, NC
Future Plans: Entrepreneur; Project management
Favorite Professor: Dr. Lee Rynearson
What makes you excited about being a Campbell alumnus?
I am excited to continue to be a part of the community that I have come to love. While graduation is exciting, I will miss Buies Creek. This bittersweet ordeal is made better by knowing that I can always stay connected.
What was your favorite Campbell tradition?
Christmas Tree Lighting! However, my favorite Campbell memories are from the Human Exploration Rover Team (HERT). Long nights, build sprints, and design meetings were not only educational but a fulfilling bonding experience.
More About Ethan:
“Ethan showed extraordinary effort and leadership in technical and management roles as Mission Director of the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge Team. ” – Dr. Lee Rynearson, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Thanks to our Human Exploration Rover Team sponsors: NC Space Grant, The US Army Research Lab, ANSYS, and the Campbell University School of Engineering.
DaQuan Williams
Major: Master of Divinity
Hometown: Four Oaks, NC
Future Plans: Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development with a concentration in Higher Education Administration at North Carolina State University
Favorite Professors: Dr. John Bartlett, Dr. Alicia Myers, and Dr. Sarah Boberg
What makes you excited about being a Campbell alumnus/a?
Becoming a Campbell alumnus will be a sign of accomplishment, devotion, and dedication. I began my journey at Campbell in 2014 as a Biology major. Thankfully, I graduated with my Bachelor of Science in General Biology and minor in Spanish in May of 2018. In the same year, I began matriculating through Divinity School and will be finishing up in the coming weeks. Campbell has taught me so much about myself and my abilities, so much so, that I feel very prepared to begin a doctorate. Campbell has offered me many opportunities to serve my community and for that I am grateful. I have bonded with many faculty members and students over the past seven years which makes my heart smile because I chose a university that loves God and community building. Many years of my life have been spent at Campbell, so I am excited to take my learned knowledge and wisdom to further my education. This is a very bittersweet moment, however, this is only a “CU later” to my alma mater.
What was your favorite Campbell tradition?
My favorite Campbell tradition is the Homecoming Parade! That entire week is full of fun and festivities, but the parade is absolutely amazing. I have participated for a few years, and to be able to watch families’ faces light up is so encouraging. So many people love Campbell and appreciate the work of this university, so it feels great to be a part of that.
More About DaQuan:
“DaQuan is an exceptional individual. As I have watched him develop he has grown academically, personally, and professionally. He listens and interacts with students and peers from a deep place care and concern. He holistically evaluates an individuals he meets and understands the person may not a first reveal all the pieces of themselves. He patiently waits for people to open up and develops a relationship that pastors, stewards, and invested in the lives of others.” – Rebekah Gardner, Director of Residence Life and Housing
Christian Ruesch
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Chattanooga, TN
Future Plans: Mechanical Engineer
Favorite Professor: Dr. Lee Rynearson
What makes you excited about being a Campbell alumnus?
I have gained a great deal of experience from opportunities through Campbell, and I want to use that experience to make an impact as an engineer. Campbell’s Engineering program is young, but it is making big waves in regard to how engineering is taught. The hands-on approach, and emphasis on true understanding over simple regurgitation, are valuable principles in the realm of engineering. I look forward to proudly boasting that I was an early adopter of Campbell’s Engineering program, and that I helped in the foundation of a community that helps so many young engineers get started on the long, demanding road to excellence.
What was your favorite Campbell tradition?
Campbell has many fantastic traditions, but the ones that I took the most joy in were the ones that we at the Engineering School started. Beit the infamous whiteboard polls in the C. Rich commons area, or mentoring new students through Dr. Rynearson’s grueling projects, participating in the origins of tradition has been memorable to say the least. However, my favorite tradition would have to be “Crunch Time”with H.E.R.T, Campbell’s NASA Rover Challenge team. We use engineering principles and technical skills to build off-road competition vehicles, and when the final push for an objective is made, that’s when the engineering community is at its best. Heads down and eyes on the prize, we give everything we can to make it happen. In engineering, failure is always an option, but only if you’re ready to turn failures into lessons and lessons into success. As the Lead Engineer for the last two years on the team, I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished, but I’m even more excited to see what next year’s team does with the foundation we’ve laid so far.
More About Christian:
“Christian showed extraordinary effort and leadership in technical and management roles as Lead Engineer of the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge Team. – Dr. Lee Rynearson, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Thanks to our Human Exploration Rover Team sponsors: NC Space Grant, The US Army Research Lab, ANSYS, and the Campbell University School of Engineering.