Giving with Purpose: LeJon Poole

To Dr. LeJon Poole, philanthropy is a no-brainer. Especially at a mission-based institution.
Dr. Poole joined the Campbell community ten years ago, and now serves Lundy-Fetterman School of Business as the director of the healthcare management program, as well as an associate professor of management.
Throughout his time interacting with students, Dr. Poole admires their perseverance and determination. They take advantage of opportunities and are willing to seek out resources. Over the last two years, in light of the pandemic, Dr. Poole noticed students’ compliance with safety policies, illustrating a care for the greater good of the community. Dr. Poole also notes several strengths of the business school as a whole: unique programs, talented faculty, solid leadership and great staff members.
Dr. Poole is a loyal supporter of the business school. So loyal, in fact, that he utilizes the payroll deduction method of giving, which is an automatic paycheck withdraw. “It’s almost like a no-brainer.” Even in graduate school, Dr. Poole gave back a portion of his stipend to the university. Dr. Poole has always been civic-minded and a part of mission-based organizations.
Simply put, Dr. Poole states, “It never crossed my mind to not give.”
The reason for this attitude of generosity could partially trace back to a lesson from his aunt Cora when Dr. Poole was nine or ten years old. “She said, ‘Put your hand in front of you. Now close it up.’” His aunt demonstrated that with a closed fist, you can neither give nor receive. Next, she told him to open his fist. With an open hand, something could be put in and something could be taken out. “She said, ‘You should live your life that way.’ Where you can always be receptive of what people want to give to you, but also be able to give things back to others.”
Dr. Poole reflects on the lessons we are teaching Campbell students; faculty and staff are developing leaders who will give back to their communities. Dr. Poole believes, “If we’re training them to give back, we should give back as well.” Our service to Campbell is second nature, and our giving should be, too. The amount is not important, the commitment to giving is.
Giving with Purpose
2021 – 2022 Employee Giving Campaign
Each year, our employees have the opportunity to support the mission and students of Campbell University. All employees are encouraged to give at a level they feel comfortable and to the fund that means the most to them. Your gifts impact the lives of our biggest investment: our students.