Graduation Profile Winter 2024 | Callie Houck

Campbell University’s Winter Commencement takes place on Dec. 14 in the John W. Pope Jr. Convocation Center. Graduates from all eight schools and colleges who earned associate, bachelor, master or doctorate degrees between August and December are set to walk the stage to close out Campbell’s 137th year. Help us celebrate the Class of 2024 as they prepare to graduate!
Meet Callie Houck
Major: Business Management (MBA)
Minor: Economics
Describe one of your favorite moments at Campbell
One of my favorite moments at Campbell was getting to be on Senior homecoming court with my boyfriend, now fiancé. When we walked across the football field at halftime and got to look into the stands and see all of our friends and family, it was so special!
How did Campbell University help prepare you for the next step in your journey?
Campbell has given me the opportunity to meet some of the most important people in my life. My best friends and fiancé were found at Campbell. I have met great spiritual mentors and mentees who have grown me as a person, leader, and a Christian. The connections I have made here will always have a special place in my heart!
Why is graduating from Campbell University special to you?
Graduating from Campbell is special to me because it is a testament of God’s faithfulness in my life. No matter what adversity I have faced, God has been my strength when I was too weak. Now, as I get to walk across the stage and receive my diploma, I can look back and think about all the friends who have graduated before me. I know that now it is my time and God made me for such a time as this!
Who are you most excited to celebrate this day (graduation) with and why?
I am most excited to celebrate graduation with my family, friends, and fiancé. The last four years has been such an adventure and having each of them by my side throughout my time at Campbell has truly shaped who I am today. I am thankful to always have them by my side cheering me on!