Graphic design student’s poster published in international magazine

A typographic composition created by graphic design major Simon Osbourne was selected for the 76th issue of Creative Quarterly, an internationally recognized graphic design and illustration magazine based in New York City.
Osbourne’s work, titled Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, is an inspirational poster created for ART 209 Typography I last spring. At the end of the semester, Professor Dejan Mraovic gave students in that course a project in which they had to illustrate an aphorism written by a person who greatly impacted art, history or society. Osbourne chose a quote by a famous Russian Romantic composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893).
The goal of this assignment was to illustrate an aphorism only with words and without any illustrations or photographs. Osbourne’s artwork not only pays homage to Tchaikovsky, but it also celebrates the art of Russian avant-garde and the Russian typographic revolution from the 1920s that changed graphic design.
“After thorough research of typographic creations made by highly influential Russian and Soviet graphic designer El Lissitzky (1890 – 1941), Simon took an inspiration to create a geometric and playful design,” said Mraovic. “Simon’s poster inspires graphic design students as well as performing art majors with the depiction of this aphorism.”