Having served in the Drug Information Center for 24 years, Kathy Monaghan offers integral support

“Our residency programs are wonderful and the Directors are amazing!”
Name: Kathy Monaghan
Title: Program Manager, Drug Information Center, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Assistant to the Executive Vice-Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Degrees and certifications: Associates in Applied Science, Onondaga Community College, Syracuse, New York.
Please summarize your personal, career, and academic journey: I am originally from Syracuse, New York. I relocated to North Carolina and started my career in the College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences 24 years ago. I obtained my AAS degree in 1982. My first administrative assistant position was with Syracuse University in the Psychiatric Counseling Services. In July of 1985 I began my position as a Division Chief Secretary for Pulmonary and Critical Care at University Hospital in Syracuse, New York.
I am married to Patrick, an alumnus of Campbell School of Education for 23 years. Patrick is a Special Education case manager who works with eighth grade students providing ELA and Math support. Our son Bryce is 21 years old and is a Senior (last semester) at Wake Tech Community College; he is in the process of obtaining his Associates in IT.
My husband and I are actively involved in the Autism Society of NC, as Bryce was diagnosed at age two and a half with highly functioning Autism. Despite this diagnosis, Bryce has persevered and consistently maintains a 3.8-4.0 GPA! Bryce also achieved a goal that he set–in May, he obtained his Driver’s License! It is so important to us that Bryce learns to be as independent as possible.
We are huge Buffalo Bills and SU Basketball fans! We are so thankful and proud to be a part of Campbell and CPHS!
What influenced your decision to pursue your career field and/or your current position at CPHS? When I was growing up, I always looked up to my Grandmother Dickinson. We lived next door to our grandparents until I was 12 years old. I was fascinated with her stories regarding her secretarial position with General Electric. It was at that time I decided to pursue a degree that would allow me to secure a position similar to Grandma. When the opportunity presented itself for Patrick and me to move to NC so he could attend Campbell and obtain his Education degree, I applied for my current position. I was so very impressed with everyone that I interviewed with, Drs. Maddox, Barnes, and Swanson were so kind and welcoming. When Dr. Barnes called an hour after my final interview and offered me the position, I mentioned that I would like to think about it and I would contact her the following day. After careful consideration and prayer, I spoke with my husband and family and decided that I would take the position. Later on, I found out from Dr. Barnes’ husband, Scott, that she did not sleep that night for fear I would say no to the position! Twenty-four years later and we are still working together and loving every minute of it! Dr. Barnes is also a graduate from the first class of the School of Pharmacy. It is easy to say that it is so nice to work in a very fun, friendly, family-oriented environment. Many students have mentioned that they have enjoyed our rotation/elective due to this type of atmosphere.
What is your day to day like in your current position and what do you enjoy most about what you do? My day-to-day activities actually change frequently depending on the day, month, and time of year. I support the Residency programs for CPHS and the tasks that need to be done. I also am part of the Professional Staff group in CPHS. We are mostly the Program and Department managers. We support each event that CPHS is responsible for through the academic year. There are several tasks that need to be accomplished for each event. I also am responsible for CPHS preceptor payments for our students’ rotations. I perform a variety of other tasks as directed by the center’s co-directors, Drs. Barnes and Perkins, as well as our Department of Pharmacy Practice.
I really enjoy being located at the entrance of the center to welcome everyone. Additionally, I enjoy that the center has become one of the “tour stops” for the CPHS admissions office for prospective health science students. We provide a unique opportunity for them to learn not only about the Drug Information Center but the history behind what we do and our vision for the future. The prospective students not only enjoy speaking with Dr. Barnes and gaining insight into her journey as co-director and Executive Vice-Chair of our department but with a P4 student presently on rotation. Dr. Perkins equally provides interesting information regarding his journey to CPHS from Wingate University. A common question that I receive is, “where are you from?” and after I reveal, the next question is usually, “what brought you here?”
Additional accomplishments / passions: I was very proud to coordinate a CPHS CPR (bystander) class led by Drs. Mills and Trotta. This class was offered to the staff within my Professional Support Staff group but others within CPHS as well. Since I am originally from Syracuse, NY, and a huge Buffalo Bills fan, the challenge that was issued by the player who suffered a cardiac arrest was intriguing. Damar Hamlin is alive today because of CPR and the use of a defibrillator on the playing field. He has issued a challenge to everyone to be certified or participate in a CPR bystander class; this includes how to utilize a defibrillator. This goal was successfully completed in June of this year! A shout-out of thanks goes to Drs. Mills and Trotta and all participants!
At Campbell we believe in purposeful lives and meaningful service. What legacy are you leaving in your life / your chosen field? Love thy neighbor, do unto others as you would like to have done unto you. Be the best version of you that you can be. Provide love, kindness, and respect to one and all. Everyone needs a helping hand…look at your fellow man and ask yourself, what can I do today? Philippians 4:13—I Can Do All Things through Christ!
Reasons why prospective students should choose Campbell over other Graduate and Professional Schools: Reasons we chose Campbell rather than other universities: Being from NY the weather is very cold and snow does accumulate a great amount. Moving to NC provided a sunny atmosphere to learn in. I found out quickly that CU and CPHS were very family orientated. I am able to see the personal attention to our students in our center as both Drs. Barnes and Perkins teach courses. Students will stop by with questions or concerns and the faculty always have an open-door policy; they are very approachable.
Additional advice / fun facts: I always tell students to savor every moment of time on campus because it goes by so fast! One day you are starting your P1 year and the next looking forward as a P4 to walking across that stage to receive your diploma! I always encourage students to consider a residency. Our residency programs are wonderful and the directors are amazing!
My husband and I are proud supporters of Friends Forever animal rescue located in NY!