Newest class of Campbell legacies receive pins at Legacy Luncheon

The Alumni Association welcomed close to 100 Campbell legacy family members to campus on move-in day, August 18 for its annual Legacy Luncheon. Legacy visitors participated in the annual “pinning ceremony”, which serves as an emotion-filled passing-of-the-torch from one Campbell legacy to another.

Families enjoyed fellowship with fellow legacies, President J. Bradley Creed, and members of the Alumni Board of Directors. They also heard from featured speaker Leah Rodgers (’23), a recently graduated Campbell biochemistry major, four-year collegiate soccer player, and a legacy Camel herself.
Leah was a third generation Campbell student. Her grandfather attended Campbell College in the 1960s, and Leah’s parents, James (’89, ’01) and Lynn Rodgers (’90), met during their time on campus.
Through Leah, legacy students had the opportunity to hear firsthand from a fresh graduate about what they might experience at Campbell over the coming years. She offered valuable advice to the several-dozen first-year Camels in attendance.
“Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, experience new things and interact with new people,” she said. “Campbell is small but there are endless opportunities.”

Leah also addressed her experiences unique to being a legacy student at Campbell. She dealt with injuries during her soccer career, including surgeries on each of her legs during academic finals week. She said she used Campbell’s motto “ad astra per aspera” (to the stars through difficulties) to persevere through challenges during her time on campus, and she was able to find strength through her Campbell legacy family members and their shared experiences.
Now an alumna, Leah is “always proud to wear Campbell Orange.”
Visit here for scenes from the ceremony and the rest of the luncheon.
The University appreciates that parents, grandparents, and siblings value their Campbell degree and have instilled the desire for learning and higher education into younger generations. Each year, the Alumni Association engages and supports legacy families.
Click here to find out more about Campbell legacy families.