Paying It Forward: Fourth Year Students Assist with Lab

A few weeks ago, class of 2022 students Caitlyn Conway, Jasmine Roberts, Timmy Ryan, and Hanna Veeder (all now PharmD alumni) returned to the Creek to assist Dr. Catherine Wente in teaching a lab on how to calculate a dose and prepare the life-saving drug tPA for administration to patients experiencing an acute stroke. The lab occurred on the 3rd floor of Maddox Hall and was completed as an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) with the goal of giving students hands on experience with IV admixture. This is the second year that this P2 OSCE was conducted and the first year that P4 students with IV admixture experience participated as evaluators. This innovative idea for layered learning came from Dr. Ann Marie Nye who helps support all of the Pharmacy Practice Skills (PPS) courses and recruitment of P4 students was facilitated by class of 2022 president Michael Gregory. It was truly a group effort that brought a unique learning experience to our students!