Peer Navigators: Feedback from the Mentees

Mentee 1:
I really appreciate all the support from the peer navigators! They are always willing to answer questions about life inside and outside of school, and they have made my transition into medical school much easier.
I attended the mock OSCE session because I wanted to be more familiar with how to approach a standardized patient encounter. The session was very organized, and I learned a lot of valuable information on taking a medical history from the OMS-II students! I will definitely be incorporating their advice into my patient encounters.
Mentee 2:
I attended the mock session as an opportunity to practice and gain constructive feedback from my peers. I found it to be helpful to learn some tips and gather some experience before being tested.
The peer navigators have been an amazing support system throughout my first block at CUSOM. The support system has been one of the best things about attending CUSOM and has made my adjustment to the curriculum so much easier.
Mentee 3:
It was really nice of the second-year students to take time out of their busy schedules to host a Mock OSCE session! In class, we had slowly learned the components of what was expected in the OSCE, but the mock sessions definitely helped to finally put it all together. Not only did my second-years give constructive feedback for the OSCE, they also went above and beyond to offer tips for studying and preparing for the upcoming exam!
Peer Navigators are planning on hold a mock OMM practical this year, too.