Pharmacy Alumna Sara Carlisle decided to be a CPHS preceptor

Name: Sara Carlisle
Degrees & Graduation Year: PharmD 2016
Current Job Title: Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Practice Site: Greenville Veterans Affairs Healthcare Center
“I am grateful for the academic background that CPHS provided.”
Job Description: I work in an ambulatory care setting as a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in both primary care and anticoagulation. In my role with primary care, I am consulted by primary care providers for comprehensive medication management of complex patients with chronic diseases including, but not limited to, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, COPD, and smoking cessation. In collaboration with primary care teams, pharmacists in the anticoagulation clinic are responsible for monitoring both oral and injectable anticoagulation regimens.
How did your connections and experiences from CPHS guide you to your current position? I discovered my love for ambulatory care during my third year of pharmacy school. I geared several of my rotations toward ambulatory care to gain more experience. These rotations allowed me to better equip myself to obtain a PGY-1 residency with an ambulatory care component at the Fayetteville VA Medical Center.
How do you use skills you learned from CPHS to get your current job: I am grateful for the academic background that CPHS provided. I was well equipped to pass my boards, secure a residency, and lay the foundation for me to obtain my current position as a Clinical Pharmacist. Many of the residency preparatory events included invaluable information on professionalism, networking, and CV writing, all of which have been instrumental in my professional development.
Favorite CPHS memory: My favorite memory at CPHS was meeting my husband, Phillip, during my P1 year. We met at a KE event during orientation, and the rest is history!
Most impactful CPHS faculty/staff member/preceptor: I was fortunate to have multiple incredible preceptors in pharmacy school. Two individuals stand out as mentors who significantly shaped the direction of my professional career. Drs. Jennifer Smith and Beth Mills were two of my preceptors during my P4 ambulatory care rotation.
I worked alongside Drs. Smith and Mills in research and community service. I learned from their expertise in the ambulatory care pharmacy field. Their positive criticism, encouragement, and letters of recommendation were instrumental in obtaining my residency.
I was inspired by their dedication to the profession. They are passionate about equipping students with the necessary tools to reach their highest potential. Both Drs. Smith and Mills leave a tremendous impact on their patients. I would not be where I am today without their influence. They both inspire me to be a better clinical pharmacist, and it is because of their impact that I have chosen to become a CPHS preceptor!
What do you look forward to most when you come back to the Creek: You can never visit the Creek without a trip to Sunni Skies! My husband and I attended Campbell for undergrad and pharmacy school, so we are excited to hear about the ways CPHS continues to grow.