Pharmacy student completes unique internship at Colonial Williamsburg Pasteur & Galt Apothecary

“This experience has been nothing like any other pharmacy rotation I have ever completed.”
Student: Joy Morrow
Program: Doctor of Pharmacy
Undergraduate Institution: Tidewater Community College
Rotation: Colonial Williamsburg Pasteur & Galt Apothecary
Title: Pharmacy Intern
Tell us a little about how amazing your rotation was and what you did. How did you make a positive impact? I had the pleasure of partaking in such an amazing and rewarding experience as an intern at the 18th Century Colonial Williamsburg Pasteur & Galt Apothecary this summer. This experience has been nothing like any other pharmacy rotation I have ever completed. As unique as it sounds and looks in my pictures, I transformed not only intellectually, but in appearance to 100% identify with how medicine was derived from plants, animals, and minerals, and how they were used in those times. Essentially, I discovered the origins of modern-day pharmacy. From making medicines that were used in the 18th century, to interpreting and speaking with curious tourist, I learned how an apothecary served the community of Colonial Williamsburg.
Why did you choose this rotation and what benefits do you believe you gained from this experience? I applied for this special elective pharmacy rotation because I wanted to step outside of my comfort zone and expose to myself to an experience that I would remember for the rest of my life. I am so happy I was selected to participate in this rotation and hope that more Campbell student pharmacists apply to and are selected for this rotation to gain as much knowledge and fulfillment as I have.
Please summarize your personal, professional and academic experiences on this rotation: My preceptor catered my experience to what I desire to do post-graduation. She assigned me a research project to complete regarding cancer medicines used in the 18th century as I plan to obtain residency after graduation and would like to pursue board certification in oncology pharmacy. I appreciate how thoughtful this was and conducive to my future career.
Please summarize any additional accomplishments you would like to highlight or talk more personally about what you are passionate about! Give the reader some insights into what your rotation was like: I learned how to dress as if I were from the 18th century. It is not as simple as one would think. Despite the hot weather, it consisted of a lot of layers, pinning, tying of strings and more. Let’s just say I needed an additional 25-30 minutes every morning to get dressed.