Recent graduate, Dr. River Medlin, encourages students to network and find community

“As Christians, I believe we are meant to sharpen one another and be an encouragement to others who are also growing in faith of Jesus Christ.”
Name: River Medlin
Program: PharmD
Match: PGY-1
Residency program: Cape Fear Valley Health PGY1 Community-Based Residency Program, Fayetteville, NC
Undergraduate education: B.S. Biology, Mars Hill University
Please describe the experiences, people, dual degree/courses, work, service and/or leadership experiences that have meant to the most to you and helped you to get where you are today: When I think about the CU difference, I am reminded of the people that made this journey enjoyable and fulfilling. The relationships we establish stick with us. It is because of the relationships made with the people here at Campbell that confirmed my choice to come here.
Accomplishments and involvement: During my time on campus, I served as the 2022-2023 CPFI Vice-President and 2023-2024 PASA Class of 2024 Representative. I was also actively involved in NCPA, NCAP, and APhA-ASP. I was fortunate enough to have received the Distinguished Dean’s Scholarship and the Pharmacy Network Foundation Scholarship. As a CPHS student, I also completed the Botanical and Holistic Health Graduate Certificate during my P2 year. Upon graduation, I achieved Summa Cum Laude honors and received the Pharmacy Practice Christian Citizenship Award.
When thinking about how you got to where you are now, list the most important things you did/were involved with or that Campbell helped you to do? Being Vice-President of CPFI allowed me to practice my faith on campus and connect with students beyond academia. As Christians, I believe we are meant to sharpen one another and be an encouragement to others who are also growing in faith of Jesus Christ. Throughout my journey in the PharmD program and CPFI, my faith grew which allowed me to grow in confidence and maturity as I prepared for a life and career outside of pharmacy school.
What would you recommend to those interested in becoming a successful clinician pharmacist? I would recommend making connections with professionals in your chosen field. My web of connections has exploded during my four years at Campbell, and those people have helped me get where I am today. I could not have done this alone, and I will continue to learn from those who are more knowledgeable, skillful, and experienced.
What are you most looking forward to with your residency and what will you be doing? I am looking forward to putting my knowledge and skills to practice in direct patient care. I will be learning how to be a clinical pharmacist in the outpatient and community settings, primarily in areas of chronic disease management. Part of this residency program has a component where I get to continue my involvement at Campbell University. I am incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to grow and develop my connections and relationships that will continue to help me in the years to come.