Rural Clergy Resilience

Clergy have always worn many hats within their churches and communities–problem solver, counselor, teacher, and manager in addition to offering emotional support and being the spiritual leader. They often carry much of their congregation’s and community’s burdens. There is seldom a lull in the flow of their ministry work which can result in little to no down time leaving them feeling overwhelmed effecting their health, work life balance and overall well-being.
By reaching out to peers in their communities and mentors who share the same experiences empathizing with them, clergy are able to combat some of these struggles. Rural clergy however, often feel more isolated and do not have the same resources available to offer the same emotional support and feedback as those in larger cities. To assist these in their ministries, Campbell’s Center for Church & Community formed the Rural Clergy Fellow to reach these rural church leaders. The 12-month cohort is designed to connect clergy from rural and small towns, engage them in quarterly gatherings, cultivate friendships, foster spiritual growth and well-being, and provide resources so their ministries and communities can thrive and flourish.
If you or someone you know is a clergy in a rural community, and would like to learn more or apply for this fellowship, please visit our website at The program is open to all denominations and all program costs including travel and lodging will be covered by the Center.