Student Experience Spotlight | Monica Mercurio

Experiential learning at Campbell University integrates hands-on, practical experiences with academic coursework to provide students with a well-rounded education.

This approach includes internships, service learning, research projects, and fieldwork, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

By engaging in these activities, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and professional skills that prepare them for their future careers.

Meet Monica Mercurio

Major: Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

Experience: Research

Location: Buies Creek, N.C.

Monica Mercurio

How did you find out about this experience? 

This paid summer research position was designed by CUSOM as an interactive, enriching experience to gain meaningful research skills as a first-year medical student. CUSOM enhances the student experience by providing this competitive, in-school opportunity, highlighting its commitment to advancing medicine and the healthcare field. 

How has your time at Campbell prepared you for this experience?

CUSOM has highlighted the importance of a well-balanced medical student who is patient-centered and compassionate while still looking to the future of medicine through evidence-based medicine. Campbell has prepared me for research through practice patient encounters, SIM lab experiences, and the rigor and challenge of daily classes. Being a medical student at Campbell inspires me each and every day to be committed to this profession and dedicated to growing in reliability, resiliency, and intelligence. 

What did you learn from your internship?

While attending college during the COVID-19 pandemic, I became interested in learning more about infectious diseases. When I found out through CUSOM I would be able to research a potential infectious disease, I knew this was an opportunity I wanted to be a part of. I have highly enjoyed diving headfirst into my research on Chagas disease, which is primarily found in Latin America. I have gained knowledge on the transmission, route of infection, acute vs. chronic stages of Chagas and much more. My passion for researching this disease has grown through the handling and processing of animal samples, while learning about and utilizing histology and PCR. This experience has taught me immensely about not only Chagas disease, but how to properly conduct biomedical research. 

How did you grow during this experience?

I have been provided the opportunity to collaborate with other local and regional institutions to work on my research project. This experience has demonstrated the advantages of working together towards a collective goal and to participate with other health professionals in fields such as cardiology, veterinary medicine, infectious diseases and wildlife rehab centers. Research altogether has taught me to see its unique application to human medicine and the united health approach across multiple fields. 

If students were to pursue a similar opportunity, what advice would you give them?

CUSOM will provide any necessary resources to help you grow as a student, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and reach out to a professor as needed. Research is what you make of it and the effort you put into it! 

Share your summer experience HERE

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