Student Experience Spotlight | Savannah-Grace Jones

Experiential learning at Campbell University integrates hands-on, practical experiences with academic coursework to provide students with a well-rounded education.

This approach includes internships, service learning, research projects, and fieldwork, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

By engaging in these activities, students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and professional skills that prepare them for their future careers.

Meet Savannah-Grace Jones

Major: Nursing, Pre-Med

Experience: McLeod Health

How did you find out about this experience?

A family friend is the ICU director, so I reached out asking about an internship. 

How has your time at Campbell prepared you for this experience?

Campbell nursing professors have given me the tools to be successful in a clinical setting, as I work as nurse intern and medical surgical technician in the ICU.

My professors encourage us to make connections and always step in to help, even as a student. 

What did you learn from your internship?

I have applied my clinical skills and knowledge I learned at Campbell into the real world setting of the hospital. I learned what it is really like to be a nurse and how I can grow once I get into the field. 

How did you grow during this experience?

I have grown so much in a clinical aspect while working in the intensive care unit. I am excited to use the skills I have learned once I go back to school as a senior nursing student. 

If students were to pursue a similar opportunity, what advice would you give them?

I would give other students the advice of reaching out to your connections and making a way for yourself—that’s what I did for my role this summer!

Share your summer experience HERE

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