Summer Activities

Summer break is here for many of our alumni’s kids, which means road trips, pool days and answering the question, “What are we doing today?” Below you will find a collection of Campbell-themed activities and resources for all ages. We hope you and your families enjoy!
Post and tag us on social media as your families complete the activities:
Activity Sheets
Coloring page
Get colorful with the Kivett Hall sand castle scene. Click the image to download and print the coloring page.
Crossword Puzzle
Test your Campbell knowledge by answering the clues. Click the image to download and print the crossword puzzle (answers on page two).
Campbell Mad Lib
Have some fun with this summer-time story. Click the image to download and print the mad lib, and have a friend help you fill in the blank spaces.
Gaylord and Gladys Freehand Drawing Activity
Test your sketching skills by drawing your best interpretation of our favorite camels. Click the image to download and print the drawing activity sheet.
Christmas in July
Beat the heat with a little imagination and holiday spirit. As temperatures rise, you may be looking for fun indoor activities for the whole family. Celebrate Christmas in July with Gaylord and Gladys’ Christmas Cookie Bake Along.
Summer Reading
Hoping to incorporate reading into your kids’ summer schedule? Helping your young readers find stories that connect to them can lead to more enthusiastic reading. Read Orange Owned member, Angela Shores’ (’01, ’06) practical tips for engaging reluctant or emerging readers.
Read the blogSummer Fitness
Follow along as a family with these workouts provided by Campus Recreation (click the images to watch the videos).
Ignite boot camp 1:
3 rounds (50/35 on all weighted movements)
- 1 min thruster
- 1 min sumo deadlift high pull
- 1 min jump squats
- L2 (air squats)
- 1 min push press
- 1 min 10 M shuttle sprints
- 1 min rest
Ignite boot camp 2:
- 200 M run
- 50 overhead alternating lunges
- L1 (50/35) L2 (decrease load) L3 (body weight)
- 200 M run
- 50 squats
- L1 (50/35) L2 (decrease load) L3 (air squats)
- 200 M Run