Summer Scholars: Meet Kendall Baab

Name: Kendall Baab
Hometown: Chaska, MN
Prior Universities and Degrees: Marist College, Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology
Title of Project: Cervical Cancer Knowledge in the Emergency Department Setting
What is Your Role in the Project? Co-Investigator, Data Collector
I read the Cervical Cancer and Pap Smear Knowledge Questionnaire to women ages 21-65 in the Emergency Department, total the answers they have answered correctly and input the data. We will then analyze and interpret the data to make conclusions and ultimately a poster.
Why Did You Choose to Participate in the Summer Scholars Program?
I applied for the summer scholars program because I thought it was the perfect opportunity to get involved with research within the Campbell community. Particularly, research focused on female health interested me, and I was excited to get the opportunity to be in the Emergency Department setting. It is a great chance to network with academic faculty, physicians and residents! I am also excited to create and present a poster at the end of the summer.
What are Your Hopes and Plans After Graduation? I hope to pursue OB/GYN as a specialty after graduation.
What are Your Passions and Hobbies Outside of Medicine? I enjoy spending time with my family, friends and new puppy!
Who Do You Hope to Impact with this Project? I hope this research enlightens the medical community on the lack of female health knowledge and motivates educators and medical providers to prioritize education. I also hope that participants in the survey learn about cervical cancer and pap smears from the provided informational hand-out, become interested in learning more about their overall health, and encourage them to ask questions.
What is Something You Would Go Back and Tell Yourself Before Starting Medical School? Shadow anyone and everyone! Before medical school is the perfect time to better understand yourself and experience different fields of medicine. Get started early! Connect with medical professionals completely off your interest radar, you might surprise yourself.