Summer Scholars: Meet Madeline Walker

Name: Madeline Walker
Hometown: Andover, MN
Undergrad: First Year, UW-Madison, then transferred to University of Northern Iowa.
Bachelor of Science in Biology and Biochemistry with a Minor in Psychology.
Hobbies: Hiking, traveling, going to coffee shops, listening to podcasts, and watching movies
What is the name of your MSSR project and your role? Anti-tNASP Antibody in the Serum of Patients with Lung Cancer and Thyroid Cancer; student research assistant for Dr. Oleg Alekseev.
Why did you choose to participate in Summer Scholars program? I saw this as an opportunity to immerse myself in a field of medicine that I am interested in as well as being able to contribute to a project that may have huge implications for diagnosing patients with cancer. I have learned so much about the research process and the impact we as medical students can have in the medical community.
Advice for MS-I’s: Take the advice you receive about studying with a grain of salt because everyone is unique and what works for someone else may not work for you. Be honest with yourself about how you best study, and if something that used to work for you is no longer doing the job, then don’t be afraid to try something new!