Summer Scholars: Meet Rebekah Miller

Name: Rebekah Miller
Hometown: Belle, Missouri
Prior degrees earned: Associate of Arts, St. Louis Community College
Bachelor of Science in Biology, Truman State University
Hobbies: Walking trails with my new dog and reading fiction and Christian books
Name of your MSSR project and your role in the research:
“Core faculty attitudes and perspectives regarding the attainment of Osteopathic Recognition in Campbell University sponsored residencies”
My role included assisting with the IRB application process, helping develop interview questions that will be used in our research methodology, and completing a literature search to construct a strong background rationale for our study. Additionally, I received mentorship in research methodology, qualitative data assessment, and presentation development, while also gaining experience in NVIVO software analysis.
Why you chose to participate in the summer scholars program and/or what you are learning from the experience:
Summer Scholar’s was wonderful to understand what goes into research design and implementation and the teamwork/mentorship that was necessary for my professional growth and the advancement of the study. Also, it was a great way to get involved with a study that may impact the future of the medical profession. All that I have learned I will carry forth in my future endeavors.
Advice to MS-I’s/future medical students:
There are many different ways to succeed in medical school through different study habits and resources. Find what works best for you, continue with it, and don’t compare yourself to others.
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – T. Roosevelt