Summer Scholars: Meet Xixi Yi

Name: Xixi Yi
Hometown: Chongqing, China
Prior Universities and Degrees:
Xiamen University – International Business, B.S.
University of North Carolina at Charlotte – Economics, M.S.
Wright State University – Postbaccalaureate program for Pre-med
Title of Project: Analysis of the presence of anti tNASP antibody in the serum of patients with 10 most common types of cancers
Why Did You Choose to Participate in the Summer Scholars Program?
I have not had medical laboratory research experience prior to coming to medical school due to my non-traditional background. The Summer Scholars Program provides me with opportunities to gain extra experiences and insights in medical research from basic pipetting to final data analysis. I love how CUSOM provides so many wonderful facilities and research projects for us; it really does make research experiences much more fun!
What are Your Hopes and Plans After Graduation?
I want to contribute to our veteran communities considering how much they have sacrificed for this country. I’d also love to be an advocate for our immigrant groups since I’m a new immigrant; I know how hard it is to obtain quality medical care.
What are Your Passions and Hobbies Outside of Medicine?
My family is my passion! I have three adorable children and my best way of relaxing from all day studying is simply spending time with them and enjoying my “full-time” mom moments. We enjoy family activities such as biking, camping, and visiting museums.
Who Do You Hope to Impact with this Project?
I’d love to contribute to the cancer research community. Perhaps, we can develop better cancer screening tools in the future so patients don’t miss the best time for treatments.
What is Something You Would Go Back and Tell Yourself Before Starting Medical School?
Don’t give up easily! God has a plan, and He will help you get there! Just take it one day at a time and try your best in whatever situation you are in.