The Quintessential Campbell Date

A picturesque campus, casual (read: cheap) dining options and no shortage of activities…some may say Campbell University is the ideal date spot for relationships old and new. In honor of Valentine’s Day, we asked alumni couples throughout the decades to share their “quintessential Campbell dates.”

Craig (‘93) and Angela (‘94) Lloyd met when Craig, performing as Gaylord at a soccer game, plucked Angela from the crowd and invited her to participate in a skit. Not only did this meeting mark the beginning of their relationship (the Lloyds are celebrating their 25th anniversary on February 15!), but it also led to Angela’s gig as the last Gladys before a multi-decade hiatus.
After every game, Angela and Craig would enjoy a date in the Oasis sandwich shop, which they kept open late for players and cheerleaders.

Like the Lloyds, Gabrielle (‘18) and Richard (‘18) Carden were also fans of on-campus-dining-dates (“do you take Creek Bucks?”). The Cardens, who met as high school seniors, would kick off the week with a lunch date at Moe’s. Next, the lovebirds would spend time together in Academic Circle before heading to class. They appreciated this respite, especially after busy weekends, to share quality time before jumping back into classes.
Melissa (‘05) and Shaun (‘04) Cross, who met through mutual friends while living in neighboring residence halls, took advantage of the walkable and quaint campus on their dates. According to Melissa, you knew a pair was interested in one another if you spotted them “walking the bricks,” an activity her and Shaun were no stranger to. Simply talking while walking around campus provided ample opportunity for couples to deepen their relationships. Another classic Campbell date activity for Shaun and Melissa involved hiking around Raven Rock on a sunny afternoon.

From the night they meet to their wedding day, Trae (‘15, ‘19) and Jewel (‘16) Bremer experienced a classic Campbell courtship. Meeting at a midnight bowling exam break and tying the knot in Butler Chapel, it is fitting that their favorite date spot was Lillington’s Waffle House, an all-time student favorite.
Hugh (‘68) and Dee (‘68) McPherson met like many brave couples: on a blind date. Their date began with fried egg sandwiches and hot chocolate (The Oasis’ specialty). Next up, the pair saw the campus movie Zebra in the Kitchen. Dinner and a movie; it doesn’t get more classic than that! They even did chores together the next day. Hugh and Dee met every day their senior year for breakfast, lunch and dinner at Marshbanks.

What can be learned from these dates throughout the years? Sharing time with the one you love (or the one you like like) doesn’t have to be complicated or extravagant. Less distractions can lead to more intentional, authentic relationships.
And that doesn’t only go for romantic relationships. Thousands of long-lasting friendships have been formed on long walks around campus, sharing a meal at Marshbanks, cheering on the Fighting Camels, or simply chatting the night away in a residence hall lobby.