Two teams win annual Richard T. Bowser Client Counseling Competition

Over the past week, Campbell Law School’s Old Kivett Society hosted the Richard T. Bowser Client Counseling Competition. Second- and third-year competitors conducted an initial interview with a person playing the role of the client and then addressed both the client’s legal and non-legal needs.
All the while, law student competitors were observed and judged by Campbell Law professors, staff members and alumni.
“All of the participants did an amazing job and showcased exceptional advocacy skills,” explained Professor Tony Ghiotto, director of the law school’s award-winning advocacy program. “But, there has to be a winner and it’s my pleasure to announce the winners of this year’s Richard T. Bowser Client Counseling Competition. This year, the two final teams were so impressive and competitive that we had a tie.”
The following teams were announced as co-champions:
Tabitha Cooke and Miriam Sheppard
Kathia Buenrostro and Grace Massarelli
Ghiotto added, “Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s competition. We also give a special thanks to Old Kivett Society members Troy Schultingkemper and Abbey Hudson who tirelessly organized the competition and the Wallace Advocacy Fellow Callie Davis who provided outstanding support and guidance. We also thank all the faculty, staff, and alumni who dedicated their time to judging.”