What’s Your Why? The theme for the 2022 Peer Mentor Leadership Retreat

15 peer mentors and student leaders spent Friday, April 8th, exploring their “why” as a part of this year’s Peer Mentor Leadership Retreat.
In preparation for their personal and professional futures and looking forward to their time serving incoming students in the fall, these 15 student leaders participated in a half-day retreat that included a message on calling & vocation, a Myers-Briggs workshop, icebreakers, a conversation on sharing their own Campbell story, and an alumni panel.
“It’s exciting to have the opportunity to explore purpose, both personally and professionally, with these student leaders,” Renee Green, Director of Leadership Development & Student Success, reflected. “The goal is to give the Peer Mentors encouragement to reflect on and define their strengths and their story, so they can guide and support first-year students in a new, exciting, sometimes overwhelming, chapter of life.”
Tammi Fries (’04) spoke with the students about her career and calling, sharing how the people she connected with along her journey helped her discover where and who she was meant to serve. Steph Olson, Director of Student Affairs – CPHS, engaged the students in a Myers Briggs workshop, taking time to talk about their strengths and the opportunities that are available for each type.
“My favorite part of the leadership retreat was going through the Myers Briggs Assessment and breaking down each section to better understand myself and others,” shared Callie Houck, a second-year Peer Mentor. “I also learned a lot about calling and how your path in life isn’t always a straight line. There are bumps and curves that you have to roll with. You never know who might help you along the way!”
During the alumni panel, Rebekah Cheney (’13) talked about finding her “why” and how it has looked a lot different than she expected, “Sometimes you have to say no to something so you can say yes to something else…you just have to figure out what that thing is for you!”
Elizabeth Brasher (’09) left students with this parting advice: “Always be reading. Find a professional mentor. And make friends and connections where you are.” Cheney agreed and added, “Try new things, dig into learning, and be kind to yourself.”