Wills and Advanced Directives Pro Bono Project partnering with LANC on Oct. 30

As part of national Pro Bono Week, Campbell Law School’s Wills and Advanced Directives Pro Bono Project is partnering with Legal Aid of North Carolina to host a one-day clinic on Saturday, Oct. 30, at the law school for senior citizens.
“We are working with the Senior Law Project at Legal Aid, so our target client is a senior citizen who needs these services,” explained Brandon Brower ’22, one of the organizers of the event. “We are partnering with Legal Aid of North Carolina to serve roughly five clients from the local community.”
A training session will be held Friday, Oct. 29, in the afternoon. “At this training session, attorneys from Legal Aid will be teaching us on how to properly fill out the will documents for these clients,” Brower said.
On Saturday morning, student volunteers and attorneys from Legal Aid will meet with clients to help them draft the will documents.
“We currently have six student volunteers signed up, but are looking for about four more,” Brower added. “We’re also looking for prospective clients for this event. Although we cannot guarantee that prospective clients will be able to participate in this clinic, we will certainly pass along their information to our contact at Legal Aid.”